[llvm] [RISCV] Move vector pseudo hasAllNBitUsers switch into RISCVBaseInfo.{h,cpp}. NFC (PR #67593)

Philip Reames via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 27 12:23:21 PDT 2023

@@ -130,6 +130,118 @@ parseFeatureBits(bool IsRV64, const FeatureBitset &FeatureBits) {
 } // namespace RISCVFeatures
+bool RISCVII::vectorInstUsesNBitsOfScalarOp(uint16_t Opcode, unsigned Bits,
preames wrote:

This interface makes more sense if it take Opcode and SEW and returns the number of bits consumed, and the comparison is done by the caller.  This is overly specific to the current caller.  


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