[llvm] [llvm] Implement S_INLINEES debug symbol (PR #67490)

Daniel Paoliello via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 27 11:59:26 PDT 2023

dpaoliello wrote:

> Thanks! Do I understand correctly that the debug information will hold more information about the inlining and be able to render more functions that are inlined in Visual Studio? I spent some time on this a while back and can't remember seeing MSVC emitting these records, but I might have missed something. Good that you figured it out!

As far as I know, neither Visual Studio nor WinDbg use these symbols. My motivation for adding these is for an internal tool at Microsoft that performs binary analysis that requires these symbols to exist.

> Can you check and see that it works with `llvm-debuginfo-analyzer` as well? I haven't looked into how it hooks into new records like this, but it's always handy to have it available there so that it can easily be debugged.

Added a `visitKnownRecord`.


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