[llvm] [InstCombine] Improve `(icmp pred (and X, Y), ...)` fold. (PR #66787)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 27 10:24:19 PDT 2023

goldsteinn wrote:

> > I'm still trying to work out how best to create stacked PRs (especially when adding extra tests and want to show the diff) - everyone seems to have their own opinion on them right now :)
> I don't really know either. If you know a better way than this I'm all ears.

What might improve the situation is if we could create branch on the llvm-project repo. I.e `users/<gh-username>/<branch-name>`. Then we could create series of PRs i.e
`main` <- `users/<user>/feature-patch-0` <- `users/<user>/feature-patch-1` <-... `users/<user>/feature-patch-N`


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