[llvm] Introduce paged vector (PR #66430)

Richard Smith via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 26 17:38:26 PDT 2023

@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+//===- llvm/ADT/PagedVector.h - 'Lazyly allocated' vectors --------*- C++
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file defines the PagedVector class.
+#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+/// A vector that allocates memory in pages.
+/// Order is kept, but memory is allocated only when one element of the page is
+/// accessed. This introduces a level of indirection, but it is useful when you
+/// have a sparsely initialised vector where the full size is allocated upfront.
+/// As a side effect the elements are initialised later than in a normal vector.
+/// On the first access to one of the elements of a given page all, the elements
+/// of the page are initialised. This also means that the elements of the page
+/// are initialised beyond the size of the vector.
+/// Similarly on destruction the elements are destroyed only when the page is
+/// not needed anymore, delaying invoking the destructor of the elements.
+/// Notice that this does not have iterators, because if you have iterators it
+/// probably means you are going to touch all the memory in any case, so better
+/// use a std::vector in the first place.
+template <typename T, size_t PageSize = 1024 / sizeof(T)> class PagedVector {
+  static_assert(PageSize > 1, "PageSize must be greater than 0. Most likely "
+                              "you want it to be greater than 16.");
+  /// The actual number of element in the vector which can be accessed.
+  size_t Size = 0;
+  /// The position of the initial element of the page in the Data vector.
+  /// Pages are allocated contiguously in the Data vector.
+  mutable SmallVector<T *, 0> PageToDataPtrs;
+  /// Actual page data. All the page elements are added to this vector on the
+  /// first access of any of the elements of the page. Elements default
+  /// constructed and elements of the page are stored contiguously. The order of
+  /// the elements however depends on the order of access of the pages.
+  PointerIntPair<BumpPtrAllocator *, 1, bool> Allocator;
+  constexpr static T *InvalidPage = nullptr;
+  using value_type = T;
+  /// Default constructor. We build our own allocator and mark it as such with
+  /// `true` in the second pair element.
+  PagedVector() : Allocator(new BumpPtrAllocator, true) {}
+  PagedVector(BumpPtrAllocator *A) : Allocator(A, false) {
+    assert(A != nullptr && "Allocator cannot be null");
+  }
+  ~PagedVector() {
+    clear();
+    // If we own the allocator, delete it.
+    if (Allocator.getInt())
+      delete Allocator.getPointer();
+  }
+  /// Look up an element at position `Index`.
+  /// If the associated page is not filled, it will be filled with default
+  /// constructed elements. If the associated page is filled, return the
+  /// element.
+  T &operator[](size_t Index) const {
+    assert(Index < Size);
+    assert(Index / PageSize < PageToDataPtrs.size());
+    T *&PagePtr = PageToDataPtrs[Index / PageSize];
+    // If the page was not yet allocated, allocate it.
+    if (PagePtr == InvalidPage) {
+      T *NewPagePtr = Allocator.getPointer()->template Allocate<T>(PageSize);
+      // We need to invoke the default constructor on all the elements of the
+      // page.
+      std::uninitialized_value_construct_n(NewPagePtr, PageSize);
+      PagePtr = NewPagePtr;
+    }
+    // Dereference the element in the page.
+    return PagePtr[Index % PageSize];
+  }
+  /// Return the capacity of the vector. I.e. the maximum size it can be
+  /// expanded to with the resize method without allocating more pages.
+  [[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const {
+    return PageToDataPtrs.size() * PageSize;
+  }
+  /// Return the size of the vector. I.e. the maximum index that can be
+  /// accessed, i.e. the maximum value which was used as argument of the
+  /// resize method.
+  [[nodiscard]] size_t size() const { return Size; }
+  /// Resize the vector. Notice that the constructor of the elements will not
+  /// be invoked until an element of a given page is accessed, at which point
+  /// all the elements of the page will be constructed.
+  ///
+  /// If the new size is smaller than the current size, the elements of the
+  /// pages that are not needed anymore will be destroyed, however, elements of
+  /// the last page will not be destroyed.
+  ///
+  /// For these reason the usage of this vector is discouraged if you rely
+  /// on the construction / destructor of the elements to be invoked.
+  void resize(size_t NewSize) {
+    if (NewSize == 0) {
+      clear();
+      return;
+    }
+    // Handle shrink case: destroy the elements in the pages that are not
+    // needed anymore and deallocate the pages.
+    //
+    // On the other hand, we do not destroy the extra elements in the last page,
+    // because we might need them later and the logic is simpler if we do not
+    // destroy them. This means that elements are only destroyed only when the
+    // page they belong to is destroyed. This is similar to what happens on
+    // access of the elements of a page, where all the elements of the page are
+    // constructed not only the one effectively neeeded.
+    if (NewSize < Size) {
+      size_t NewLastPage = (NewSize - 1) / PageSize;
+      for (size_t I = NewLastPage + 1, N = PageToDataPtrs.size(); I < N; ++I) {
+        T *PagePtr = PageToDataPtrs[I];
+        if (PagePtr == InvalidPage)
+          continue;
+        T *Page = PagePtr;
+        // We need to invoke the destructor on all the elements of the page.
+        std::destroy_n(Page, PageSize);
+        Allocator.getPointer()->Deallocate(Page);
+        // We mark the page invalid, to avoid double deletion.
+        PageToDataPtrs[I] = InvalidPage;
+      }
zygoloid wrote:

If the element type is trivial and we don't have a sanitizer enabled, do we optimize away this loop? (If not, it might be worth adding explicit code to not do the loop in that case, but I'm hopeful the optimizer will see that it does nothing.)


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