[compiler-rt] 80e810f - Revert "[NFC][sanitizer_symbolizer]Add StackTracePrinter class (#66530)"
Andrés Villegas via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 15 15:18:05 PDT 2023
Author: Andrés Villegas
Date: 2023-09-15T22:16:26Z
New Revision: 80e810f5a75829c816049c4378c43aff9ab4816a
URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/80e810f5a75829c816049c4378c43aff9ab4816a
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/80e810f5a75829c816049c4378c43aff9ab4816a.diff
LOG: Revert "[NFC][sanitizer_symbolizer]Add StackTracePrinter class (#66530)"
Reason: Not including appropiated headers for
sanitizer_symbolizer_markup.cpp which only runs
in fuchsia.
This reverts commit d4152c5cbfd923d117b2bf24b5b173766e3be0e1.
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_report.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_report.cpp
index 5b6920f7da30b7d..efe6f57704919a4 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_report.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_report.cpp
@@ -246,10 +246,9 @@ static void PrintStackAllocations(StackAllocationsRingBuffer *sa,
frame_desc.append(" record_addr:0x%zx record:0x%zx",
reinterpret_cast<uptr>(record_addr), record);
if (SymbolizedStack *frame = Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizePC(pc)) {
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderFrame(
- &frame_desc, " %F %L", 0, frame->info.address, &frame->info,
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderFrame(&frame_desc, " %F %L", 0, frame->info.address, &frame->info,
+ common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
Printf("%s\n", frame_desc.data());
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/msan/msan_report.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/msan/msan_report.cpp
index 99bf81f66dc9e2c..90164e50ca3acca 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/msan/msan_report.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/msan/msan_report.cpp
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ void DescribeMemoryRange(const void *x, uptr size) {
void ReportUMRInsideAddressRange(const char *function, const void *start,
uptr size, uptr offset) {
- function = StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->StripFunctionName(function);
+ function = StripFunctionName(function);
Decorator d;
Printf("%s", d.Warning());
Printf("%sUninitialized bytes in %s%s%s at offset %zu inside [%p, %zu)%s\n",
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
index 2a0417ed96de1b9..47983ee7ec713f2 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ class StackTraceTextPrinter {
- symbolize_(StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderNeedsSymbolization(
- stack_trace_fmt)) {}
+ symbolize_(RenderNeedsSymbolization(stack_trace_fmt)) {}
bool ProcessAddressFrames(uptr pc) {
SymbolizedStack *frames = symbolize_
@@ -41,10 +40,10 @@ class StackTraceTextPrinter {
for (SymbolizedStack *cur = frames; cur; cur = cur->next) {
uptr prev_len = output_->length();
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderFrame(
- output_, stack_trace_fmt_, frame_num_++, cur->info.address,
- symbolize_ ? &cur->info : nullptr, common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderFrame(output_, stack_trace_fmt_, frame_num_++, cur->info.address,
+ symbolize_ ? &cur->info : nullptr,
+ common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
if (prev_len != output_->length())
output_->append("%c", frame_delimiter_);
@@ -211,8 +210,7 @@ void __sanitizer_symbolize_global(uptr data_addr, const char *fmt,
DataInfo DI;
if (!Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizeData(data_addr, &DI)) return;
InternalScopedString data_desc;
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderData(&data_desc, fmt, &DI,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderData(&data_desc, fmt, &DI, common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
internal_strncpy(out_buf, data_desc.data(), out_buf_size);
out_buf[out_buf_size - 1] = 0;
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.cpp
index 9d9b479f70b4d76..45c480d225c7f5a 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.cpp
@@ -12,30 +12,13 @@
#include "sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h"
-#include "sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_file.h"
#include "sanitizer_flags.h"
#include "sanitizer_fuchsia.h"
namespace __sanitizer {
-StackTracePrinter *StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit() {
- static StackTracePrinter *stacktrace_printer;
- static StaticSpinMutex init_mu;
- SpinMutexLock l(&init_mu);
- if (stacktrace_printer)
- return stacktrace_printer;
- stacktrace_printer =
- new (GetGlobalLowLevelAllocator()) FormattedStackTracePrinter();
- CHECK(stacktrace_printer);
- return stacktrace_printer;
-const char *FormattedStackTracePrinter::StripFunctionName(
- const char *function) {
+const char *StripFunctionName(const char *function) {
if (!common_flags()->demangle)
return function;
if (!function)
@@ -158,12 +141,9 @@ static void MaybeBuildIdToBuffer(const AddressInfo &info, bool PrefixSpace,
static const char kDefaultFormat[] = " #%n %p %F %L";
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *format, int frame_no,
- uptr address,
- const AddressInfo *info,
- bool vs_style,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format, int frame_no,
+ uptr address, const AddressInfo *info, bool vs_style,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix) {
// info will be null in the case where symbolization is not needed for the
// given format. This ensures that the code below will get a hard failure
// rather than print incorrect information in case RenderNeedsSymbolization
@@ -270,7 +250,7 @@ void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer,
-bool FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) {
+bool RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) {
if (0 == internal_strcmp(format, "DEFAULT"))
format = kDefaultFormat;
for (const char *p = format; *p != '\0'; p++) {
@@ -293,10 +273,8 @@ bool FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) {
return false;
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *format,
- const DataInfo *DI,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
+ const DataInfo *DI, const char *strip_path_prefix) {
for (const char *p = format; *p != '\0'; p++) {
if (*p != '%') {
buffer->append("%c", *p);
@@ -326,9 +304,9 @@ void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer,
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderSourceLocation(
- InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *file, int line, int column,
- bool vs_style, const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderSourceLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *file,
+ int line, int column, bool vs_style,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix) {
if (vs_style && line > 0) {
buffer->append("%s(%d", StripPathPrefix(file, strip_path_prefix), line);
if (column > 0)
@@ -345,9 +323,9 @@ void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderSourceLocation(
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderModuleLocation(
- InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *module, uptr offset,
- ModuleArch arch, const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderModuleLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *module,
+ uptr offset, ModuleArch arch,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix) {
buffer->append("(%s", StripPathPrefix(module, strip_path_prefix));
if (arch != kModuleArchUnknown) {
buffer->append(":%s", ModuleArchToString(arch));
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h
index bbdf70e7ab65a47..bf2755a2e8f458d 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h
@@ -13,107 +13,61 @@
#include "sanitizer_common.h"
-#include "sanitizer_internal_defs.h"
#include "sanitizer_symbolizer.h"
namespace __sanitizer {
-// StacktracePrinter is an interface that is implemented by
-// classes that can perform rendering of the
diff erent parts
-// of a stacktrace.
-class StackTracePrinter {
- public:
- static StackTracePrinter *GetOrInit();
- virtual const char *StripFunctionName(const char *function) {
- }
- virtual void RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
- int frame_no, uptr address, const AddressInfo *info,
- bool vs_style, const char *strip_path_prefix = "") {
- }
- virtual bool RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) { return false; }
- virtual void RenderSourceLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *file, int line, int column,
- bool vs_style,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {}
- virtual void RenderModuleLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *module, uptr offset,
- ModuleArch arch,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {}
- virtual void RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
- const DataInfo *DI,
- const char *strip_path_prefix = "") {
- }
- protected:
- ~StackTracePrinter() {}
-class FormattedStackTracePrinter : public StackTracePrinter {
- public:
- // Strip interceptor prefixes from function name.
- const char *StripFunctionName(const char *function) override;
- // Render the contents of "info" structure, which represents the contents of
- // stack frame "frame_no" and appends it to the "buffer". "format" is a
- // string with placeholders, which is copied to the output with
- // placeholders substituted with the contents of "info". For example,
- // format string
- // " frame %n: function %F at %S"
- // will be turned into
- // " frame 10: function foo::bar() at my/file.cc:10"
- // You may additionally pass "strip_path_prefix" to strip prefixes of paths to
- // source files and modules.
- // Here's the full list of available placeholders:
- // %% - represents a '%' character;
- // %n - frame number (copy of frame_no);
- // %p - PC in hex format;
- // %m - path to module (binary or shared object);
- // %o - offset in the module in hex format;
- // %f - function name;
- // %q - offset in the function in hex format (*if available*);
- // %s - path to source file;
- // %l - line in the source file;
- // %c - column in the source file;
- // %F - if function is known to be <foo>, prints "in <foo>", possibly
- // followed by the offset in this function, but only if source file
- // is unknown;
- // %S - prints file/line/column information;
- // %L - prints location information: file/line/column, if it is known, or
- // module+offset if it is known, or (<unknown module>) string.
- // %M - prints module basename and offset, if it is known, or PC.
- void RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
- int frame_no, uptr address, const AddressInfo *info,
- bool vs_style, const char *strip_path_prefix = "") override;
- bool RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) override;
- void RenderSourceLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *file,
- int line, int column, bool vs_style,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) override;
- void RenderModuleLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *module,
- uptr offset, ModuleArch arch,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) override;
- // Same as RenderFrame, but for data section (global variables).
- // Accepts %s, %l from above.
- // Also accepts:
- // %g - name of the global variable.
- void RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
- const DataInfo *DI,
- const char *strip_path_prefix = "") override;
- protected:
- ~FormattedStackTracePrinter() {}
+// Strip interceptor prefixes from function name.
+const char *StripFunctionName(const char *function);
+// Render the contents of "info" structure, which represents the contents of
+// stack frame "frame_no" and appends it to the "buffer". "format" is a
+// string with placeholders, which is copied to the output with
+// placeholders substituted with the contents of "info". For example,
+// format string
+// " frame %n: function %F at %S"
+// will be turned into
+// " frame 10: function foo::bar() at my/file.cc:10"
+// You may additionally pass "strip_path_prefix" to strip prefixes of paths to
+// source files and modules.
+// Here's the full list of available placeholders:
+// %% - represents a '%' character;
+// %n - frame number (copy of frame_no);
+// %p - PC in hex format;
+// %m - path to module (binary or shared object);
+// %o - offset in the module in hex format;
+// %f - function name;
+// %q - offset in the function in hex format (*if available*);
+// %s - path to source file;
+// %l - line in the source file;
+// %c - column in the source file;
+// %F - if function is known to be <foo>, prints "in <foo>", possibly
+// followed by the offset in this function, but only if source file
+// is unknown;
+// %S - prints file/line/column information;
+// %L - prints location information: file/line/column, if it is known, or
+// module+offset if it is known, or (<unknown module>) string.
+// %M - prints module basename and offset, if it is known, or PC.
+void RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format, int frame_no,
+ uptr address, const AddressInfo *info, bool vs_style,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix = "");
+bool RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format);
+void RenderSourceLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *file,
+ int line, int column, bool vs_style,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix);
+void RenderModuleLocation(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *module,
+ uptr offset, ModuleArch arch,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix);
+// Same as RenderFrame, but for data section (global variables).
+// Accepts %s, %l from above.
+// Also accepts:
+// %g - name of the global variable.
+void RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
+ const DataInfo *DI, const char *strip_path_prefix = "");
} // namespace __sanitizer
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_markup.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_markup.cpp
index cf2309d0ed198b2..c8c10de10d03a24 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_markup.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_markup.cpp
@@ -81,24 +81,17 @@ bool Symbolizer::SymbolizeData(uptr addr, DataInfo *info) {
// We ignore the format argument to __sanitizer_symbolize_global.
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *format,
- const DataInfo *DI,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderData(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format,
+ const DataInfo *DI, const char *strip_path_prefix) {
buffer->append(kFormatData, DI->start);
-bool FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) {
- return false;
+bool RenderNeedsSymbolization(const char *format) { return false; }
// We don't support the stack_trace_format flag at all.
-void FormattedStackTracePrinter::RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer,
- const char *format, int frame_no,
- uptr address,
- const AddressInfo *info,
- bool vs_style,
- const char *strip_path_prefix) {
+void RenderFrame(InternalScopedString *buffer, const char *format, int frame_no,
+ uptr address, const AddressInfo *info, bool vs_style,
+ const char *strip_path_prefix) {
buffer->append(kFormatFrame, frame_no, address);
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_report.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_report.cpp
index ef8cf55f0e997df..73915715c5ba2c0 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_report.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_report.cpp
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ void ReportErrorSummary(const char *error_type, const AddressInfo &info,
if (!common_flags()->print_summary) return;
InternalScopedString buff;
buff.append("%s ", error_type);
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderFrame(
- &buff, "%L %F", 0, info.address, &info,
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style, common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderFrame(&buff, "%L %F", 0, info.address, &info,
+ common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
ReportErrorSummary(buff.data(), alt_tool_name);
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer_test.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer_test.cpp
index c616a90279c86b2..489ef4dbb5b7d4c 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer_test.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer_test.cpp
@@ -16,69 +16,57 @@
namespace __sanitizer {
-class TestFormattedStackTracePrinter final : public FormattedStackTracePrinter {
- public:
- ~TestFormattedStackTracePrinter() {}
-TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderSourceLocation) {
+TEST(SanitizerStacktracePrinter, RenderSourceLocation) {
InternalScopedString str;
- TestFormattedStackTracePrinter printer;
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, false, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, false, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc:10:5", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 11, 0, false, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 11, 0, false, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc:11", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 0, 0, false, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 0, 0, false, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, false, "/dir/");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, false, "/dir/");
EXPECT_STREQ("file.cc:10:5", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, true, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, true, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc(10,5)", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 11, 0, true, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 11, 0, true, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc(11)", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 0, 0, true, "");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 0, 0, true, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("/dir/file.cc", str.data());
- printer.RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, true, "/dir/");
+ RenderSourceLocation(&str, "/dir/file.cc", 10, 5, true, "/dir/");
EXPECT_STREQ("file.cc(10,5)", str.data());
-TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderModuleLocation) {
+TEST(SanitizerStacktracePrinter, RenderModuleLocation) {
InternalScopedString str;
- TestFormattedStackTracePrinter printer;
- printer.RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchUnknown,
- "");
+ RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchUnknown, "");
EXPECT_STREQ("(/dir/exe+0x123)", str.data());
// Check that we strip file prefix if necessary.
- printer.RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchUnknown,
- "/dir/");
+ RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchUnknown, "/dir/");
EXPECT_STREQ("(exe+0x123)", str.data());
// Check that we render the arch.
- printer.RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchX86_64H,
- "/dir/");
+ RenderModuleLocation(&str, "/dir/exe", 0x123, kModuleArchX86_64H, "/dir/");
EXPECT_STREQ("(exe:x86_64h+0x123)", str.data());
-TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
- TestFormattedStackTracePrinter printer;
+TEST(SanitizerStacktracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
int frame_no = 42;
AddressInfo info;
info.address = 0x400000;
@@ -92,11 +80,11 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
InternalScopedString str;
// Dump all the AddressInfo fields.
- printer.RenderFrame(&str,
- "%% Frame:%n PC:%p Module:%m ModuleOffset:%o "
- "Function:%f FunctionOffset:%q Source:%s Line:%l "
- "Column:%c",
- frame_no, info.address, &info, false, "/path/to/");
+ RenderFrame(&str,
+ "%% Frame:%n PC:%p Module:%m ModuleOffset:%o "
+ "Function:%f FunctionOffset:%q Source:%s Line:%l "
+ "Column:%c",
+ frame_no, info.address, &info, false, "/path/to/");
EXPECT_STREQ("% Frame:42 PC:0x400000 Module:my/module ModuleOffset:0x200 "
"Function:foo FunctionOffset:0x100 Source:my/source Line:10 "
@@ -105,11 +93,11 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
// Check that RenderFrame() strips interceptor prefixes.
info.function = internal_strdup(SANITIZER_STRINGIFY(WRAP(bar)));
- printer.RenderFrame(&str,
- "%% Frame:%n PC:%p Module:%m ModuleOffset:%o "
- "Function:%f FunctionOffset:%q Source:%s Line:%l "
- "Column:%c",
- frame_no, info.address, &info, false, "/path/to/");
+ RenderFrame(&str,
+ "%% Frame:%n PC:%p Module:%m ModuleOffset:%o "
+ "Function:%f FunctionOffset:%q Source:%s Line:%l "
+ "Column:%c",
+ frame_no, info.address, &info, false, "/path/to/");
EXPECT_STREQ("% Frame:42 PC:0x400000 Module:my/module ModuleOffset:0x200 "
"Function:bar FunctionOffset:0x100 Source:my/source Line:10 "
@@ -119,26 +107,26 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
// Test special format specifiers.
info.address = 0x400000;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, internal_strstr(str.data(), "400000"));
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("(<unknown module>)", str.data());
info.module = internal_strdup("/path/to/module");
info.module_offset = 0x200;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, internal_strstr(str.data(), "(module+0x"));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, internal_strstr(str.data(), "200"));
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("(/path/to/module+0x200)", str.data());
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%b", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%b", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("", str.data());
@@ -146,7 +134,7 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
info.uuid[0] = 0x55;
info.uuid[1] = 0x66;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%M", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, internal_strstr(str.data(), "(module+0x"));
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, internal_strstr(str.data(), "200"));
@@ -156,7 +144,7 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("(/path/to/module+0x200)", str.data());
@@ -164,46 +152,46 @@ TEST(FormattedStackTracePrinter, RenderFrame) {
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%b", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%b", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("(BuildId: 5566)", str.data());
info.function = internal_strdup("my_function");
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function", str.data());
info.function_offset = 0x100;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function+0x100 <null>", str.data());
info.file = internal_strdup("my_file");
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function my_file", str.data());
info.line = 10;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function my_file:10", str.data());
info.column = 5;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%S %L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%S %L", frame_no, info.address, &info, false);
EXPECT_STREQ("my_file:10:5 my_file:10:5", str.data());
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%S %L", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%S %L", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
EXPECT_STREQ("my_file(10,5) my_file(10,5)", str.data());
info.column = 0;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function my_file(10)", str.data());
info.line = 0;
- printer.RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
+ RenderFrame(&str, "%F %S", frame_no, info.address, &info, true);
EXPECT_STREQ("in my_function my_file", str.data());
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_report.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_report.cpp
index 4028d1810784095..3ae666e1212f72c 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_report.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_report.cpp
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ void PrintStack(const ReportStack *ent) {
SymbolizedStack *frame = ent->frames;
for (int i = 0; frame && frame->info.address; frame = frame->next, i++) {
InternalScopedString res;
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderFrame(
- &res, common_flags()->stack_trace_format, i, frame->info.address,
- &frame->info, common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderFrame(&res, common_flags()->stack_trace_format, i,
+ frame->info.address, &frame->info,
+ common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
Printf("%s\n", res.data());
diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/ubsan/ubsan_diag.cpp b/compiler-rt/lib/ubsan/ubsan_diag.cpp
index d86b70350c18abf..dd99613abbe3f17 100644
--- a/compiler-rt/lib/ubsan/ubsan_diag.cpp
+++ b/compiler-rt/lib/ubsan/ubsan_diag.cpp
@@ -149,10 +149,9 @@ static void RenderLocation(InternalScopedString *Buffer, Location Loc) {
if (SLoc.isInvalid())
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderSourceLocation(
- Buffer, SLoc.getFilename(), SLoc.getLine(), SLoc.getColumn(),
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderSourceLocation(Buffer, SLoc.getFilename(), SLoc.getLine(),
+ SLoc.getColumn(), common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
case Location::LK_Memory:
@@ -161,14 +160,12 @@ static void RenderLocation(InternalScopedString *Buffer, Location Loc) {
case Location::LK_Symbolized: {
const AddressInfo &Info = Loc.getSymbolizedStack()->info;
if (Info.file)
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderSourceLocation(
- Buffer, Info.file, Info.line, Info.column,
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderSourceLocation(Buffer, Info.file, Info.line, Info.column,
+ common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
else if (Info.module)
- StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderModuleLocation(
- Buffer, Info.module, Info.module_offset, Info.module_arch,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ RenderModuleLocation(Buffer, Info.module, Info.module_offset,
+ Info.module_arch, common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
Buffer->append("%p", reinterpret_cast<void *>(Info.address));
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