[llvm] [UpdateTestChecks] Add support for SPIRV in update_llc_test_checks.py (PR #66213)
Paulo Matos via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 15 05:28:55 PDT 2023
pmatos wrote:
> How different would check_label_format have to be? Surely SPIRV has something similar that we can use?
The assembly for the test I just committed looks like:
OpCapability Kernel
OpCapability Addresses
OpCapability Linkage
OpCapability OptNoneINTEL
OpExtension "SPV_INTEL_optnone"
%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL
OpExecutionMode %4 ContractionOff
OpSource Unknown 0
OpName %4 "_Z3foov"
OpDecorate %4 LinkageAttributes "_Z3foov" Export
%2 = OpTypeVoid
%3 = OpTypeFunction %2
; -- Begin function _Z3foov
%4 = OpFunction %2 DontInline %3
%5 = OpLabel
; -- End function
Besides the comment there's no obvious place where the function body starts and its name due to the structure of the SPIRV file.
> I always like to see at least one use of the update script when we add a new target - please can you regenerate a suitable file in CodeGen\SPIRV to show the generated checks?
Now updated the commit to include one of these.
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