[llvm] [SPIRV] Test basic float and int types (PR #66282)

Nathan Gauër via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 15 04:15:30 PDT 2023


Keenuts wrote:

ah yes that folder is not yet added (https://reviews.llvm.org/D156049).
Yes, I agree, the frontier between HLSL->SPIR-V tests and SPIR-V tests will be messy.
My rule is mostly: if I implement something in the SPIR-V backend from llvm IR I write, just to broaden the amount of spec we support, it should probably be a SPIR-V test (like opaccesschain tests), but if it's some HLSL construction I add support for, then it should be in Frontend/HLSL.
But that's not important, the important part is that we test it 😊


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