[llvm] [TableGen][GlobalISel] Add rule-wide type inference (PR #66377)

Matt Arsenault via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 14 09:15:51 PDT 2023

@@ -1640,6 +1695,447 @@ class PrettyStackTraceEmit : public PrettyStackTraceEntry {
+//===- CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker --------------------------------------===//
+/// This is a wrapper around OperandTypeChecker specialized for Combiner Rules.
+/// On top of doing the same things as OperandTypeChecker, this also attempts to
+/// infer as many types as possible for temporary register defs & immediates in
+/// apply patterns.
+/// The inference is trivial and leverages the MCOI OperandTypes encoded in
+/// CodeGenInstructions to infer types across patterns in a CombineRule. It's
+/// thus very limited and only supports CodeGenInstructions (but that's the main
+/// use case so it's fine).
+/// We only try to infer untyped operands in apply patterns when they're temp
+/// reg defs, or immediates. Inference always outputs a `TypeOf<$x>` where $x is
+/// a named operand from a match pattern.
+class CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker : private OperandTypeChecker {
+  CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker(const Record &RuleDef,
+                                const OperandTable &MatchOpTable)
+      : OperandTypeChecker(RuleDef.getLoc()), RuleDef(RuleDef),
+        MatchOpTable(MatchOpTable) {}
+  /// Records and checks a 'match' pattern.
+  bool processMatchPattern(InstructionPattern &P);
+  /// Records and checks an 'apply' pattern.
+  bool processApplyPattern(InstructionPattern &P);
+  /// Propagates types, then perform type inference and do a second round of
+  /// propagation in the apply patterns only if any types were inferred.
+  void propagateAndInferTypes();
+  /// \returns groups of operands of an instruction that share a common type.
+  /// e.g. [[a, b], [c, d]] means a and b have the same type, and c and
+  /// d have the same type too. b/c and a/d don't have to have the same type,
+  /// though.
+  using TypeEquivalenceClasses = std::vector<SetVector<StringRef>>;
+  static std::string toString(const SetVector<StringRef> &EqClass) {
+    return "[" + join(EqClass, ", ") + "]";
+  }
+  /// \returns true for `OPERAND_GENERIC_` 0 through 5.
+  /// These are the MCOI types that can be registers. The other MCOI types are
+  /// either immediates, or fancier operands used only post-ISel, so we don't
+  /// care about them for combiners.
+  static bool canMCOIOperandTypeBeARegister(StringRef MCOIType);
+  /// Finds the "MCOI::"" operand types for each operand of \p CGP.
+  ///
+  /// This is a bit trickier than it looks because we need to handle variadic
+  /// in/outs.
+  ///
+  /// e.g. for
+  ///   (G_BUILD_VECTOR $vec, $x, $y) ->
+  ///
+  /// For unknown types (which can happen in variadics where varargs types are
+  /// inconsistent), a unique name is given, e.g. "unknown_type_0".
+  static std::vector<std::string>
+  getMCOIOperandTypes(const CodeGenInstructionPattern &CGP);
+  /// Adds the TypeEquivalenceClasses for \p P in \p OutTEC.
+  void getInstEqClasses(const InstructionPattern &P,
+                        TypeEquivalenceClasses &OutTEC) const;
+  /// Calculates the TypeEquivalenceClasses for each instruction, then merges
+  /// them into a common set of TypeEquivalenceClasses for the whole rule.
+  ///
+  /// This works by looking for interestinc type equivalence classes, then
+  /// merging them. It loops until there's no more reductions possible.
+  ///
+  /// This essentially applies the "transitive" part of type inference. Let's
+  /// take the following equivalence classes:
+  ///   inst0: [a, b], [c, d]
+  ///   inst1: [b, c]
+  ///
+  /// If we see inst0 alone, we can't say that a and d have the same type -
+  /// they're not in the same equivalence classes. However if we just use logic,
+  /// we can say: "a == d because a == b, c == d and b == c".
+  ///
+  /// Merging condenses that information into a single big equivalence class
+  /// which can be looked at alone to make the same deduction.
+  ///   rule: [a, b, c, d]
+  TypeEquivalenceClasses getRuleEqClasses() const;
+  /// Tries to infer the type of the \p ImmOpIdx -th operand of \p IP using \p
+  /// TECs.
+  ///
+  /// This is achieved by trying to find a named operand in \p IP that shares
+  /// the same type as \p ImmOpIdx, and using \ref inferNamedOperandType on that
+  /// operand instead.
+  ///
+  /// \returns the inferred type or an empty PatternType if inference didn't
+  /// succeed.
+  PatternType inferImmediateType(const InstructionPattern &IP,
+                                 unsigned ImmOpIdx,
+                                 const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs) const;
+  /// Looks inside \p TECs to infer \p OpName's type.
+  ///
+  /// \returns the inferred type or an empty PatternType if inference didn't
+  /// succeed.
+  PatternType inferNamedOperandType(const InstructionPattern &IP,
+                                    StringRef OpName,
+                                    const TypeEquivalenceClasses &TECs) const;
+  const Record &RuleDef;
+  SmallVector<InstructionPattern *, 8> MatchPats;
+  SmallVector<InstructionPattern *, 8> ApplyPats;
+  const OperandTable &MatchOpTable;
+bool CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::processMatchPattern(InstructionPattern &P) {
+  MatchPats.push_back(&P);
+  return check(P, /*CheckTypeOf*/ [](const auto &) {
+    // GITypeOf in match should be rejected after propagation is done.
+    return true;
+  });
+bool CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::processApplyPattern(InstructionPattern &P) {
+  ApplyPats.push_back(&P);
+  return check(P, /*CheckTypeOf*/ [&](const PatternType &Ty) {
+    // GITypeOf<"$x"> can only be used if "$x" is a matched operand.
+    const auto OpName = Ty.getTypeOfOpName();
+    if (MatchOpTable.lookup(OpName).Found)
+      return true;
+    PrintError(RuleDef.getLoc(), "'" + OpName + "' ('" + Ty.str() +
+                                     "') does not refer to a matched operand!");
+    return false;
+  });
+void CombineRuleOperandTypeChecker::propagateAndInferTypes() {
+  /// This works by first creating a series of "type equivalence classes".
+  ///
+  /// These are lists of InstructionPattern operands that are known to have the
+  /// same type.
+  ///
+  /// Then, we look at the apply patterns and find operands that need to be
+  /// inferred, try to find an equivalence class that they're a part of, then
+  /// select the best operand to use for the GITypeOf type. We try to aim for
+  /// defs of matched instructions because those are guaranteed to be registers.
+  propagateTypes();
+  TypeEquivalenceClasses TECs = getRuleEqClasses();
+  // Look at each operand that we want to infer one by one.
+  bool InferredAny = false;
+  for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
+    for (unsigned K = 0; K < Pat->operands_size(); ++K) {
+      auto &Op = Pat->getOperand(K);
+      // We only want to take a look at untyped defs or immediates.
+      if ((!Op.isDef() && !Op.hasImmValue()) || Op.getType())
+        continue;
+      // Infer defs & named immediates.
+      if (Op.isDef() || Op.isNamedImmediate()) {
+        // Check it's not a redefinition of a matched operand.
+        // In such cases, inference is not necessary because we just copy
+        // operands and don't create temporary registers.
+        if (MatchOpTable.lookup(Op.getOperandName()).Found)
+          continue;
+        // Inference is needed here, so try to do it.
+        if (PatternType Ty =
+                inferNamedOperandType(*Pat, Op.getOperandName(), TECs)) {
+          if (DebugTypeInfer)
+            errs() << "INFER: " << Op.describe() << " -> " << Ty.str() << "\n";
+          Op.setType(Ty);
+          InferredAny = true;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Infer immediates
+      if (Op.hasImmValue()) {
+        if (PatternType Ty = inferImmediateType(*Pat, K, TECs)) {
+          if (DebugTypeInfer)
+            errs() << "INFER: " << Op.describe() << " -> " << Ty.str() << "\n";
+          Op.setType(Ty);
+          InferredAny = true;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // If we've inferred any types, we want to propagate them across the apply
+  // patterns. We may have added GITypeOfs referencing Match pattern operands so
+  // we don't want to also propagate there.
+  if (InferredAny) {
+    // FIXME: this is hacky, it'd be nice to have another entry point that
+    // doesn't do checking and just propagates.
+    OperandTypeChecker OTC(RuleDef.getLoc());
+    for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
+      bool Res = OTC.check(*Pat, [&](const auto &) { return true; });
+      (void)Res;
+      assert(Res && "Cannot file checking here!");
+    }
+    OTC.propagateTypes();
+    if (DebugTypeInfer) {
+      errs() << "Apply patterns for rule " << RuleDef.getName()
+             << " after inference:\n";
+      for (auto *Pat : ApplyPats) {
arsenm wrote:

Extra blank line 


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