[llvm] Improve the pull-request subcription notification format by adding the description and files statistics (PR #65828)

Mehdi Amini via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 13 20:48:32 PDT 2023

@@ -77,23 +85,62 @@ def __init__(self, token: str, repo: str, pr_number: int, label_name: str):
         self._team_name = "pr-subscribers-{}".format(label_name).lower()
     def run(self) -> bool:
-        for team in self.org.get_teams():
-            if self.team_name != team.name.lower():
-                continue
-            try:
-                # GitHub limits comments to 65,536 characters, let's limit our comments to 20,000.
-                patch = requests.get(self.pr.diff_url).text[0:20000]
-            except:
-                patch = ""
-            comment = (
-                "@llvm/{}".format(team.slug)
-                + "\n\n<details><summary>Changes</summary><pre>\n"
-                + patch
-                + "\n</pre></details>"
-            )
-            self.pr.as_issue().create_comment(comment)
+        patch = None
+        team = self._get_curent_team()
+        if not team:
+            print(f"couldn't find team named {self.team_name}")
+            return False
+        # Get statistics for each file
+        diff_stats = f"{self.pr.changed_files} Files Affected:\n\n"
+        for file in self.pr.get_files():
+            diff_stats += f"- ({file.status}) {file.filename} ("
+            if file.additions:
+                diff_stats += f"+{file.additions}"
+            if file.deletions:
+                diff_stats += f"-{file.deletions}"
+            diff_stats += ") "
+            if file.status == "renamed":
+                print(f"(from {file.previous_filename})")
+            diff_stats += "\n"
+        diff_stats += "\n"
+        # Get the diff
+        try:
+            patch = requests.get(self.pr.diff_url).text
+        except:
+            patch = ""
+        diff_stats += "\n<pre>\n" + patch
joker-eph wrote:

This was changed in #66037 , I'm not totally sure why


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