[llvm] [JITlink][AArch32] Implement ELF::R_ARM_MOVT_ABS and R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC (PR #66219)

Stefan Gränitz via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 13 10:58:50 PDT 2023

@@ -50,6 +50,36 @@ jump24_target:
 	bx	lr
 	.size	jump24_target,	.-jump24_target
+# CHECK-TYPE: {{[0-9a-f]+}} R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC data_symbol
+# CHECK-INSTR: 	00000010 <movw>:
+# CHECK-INSTR: 	      10: e3000000     movw      r0, #0x0
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(movw, 1) = (data_symbol&0x0000ffff)
+	.globl	movw
+	.type	movw,%function
+	.p2align	2
+	movw r0, :lower16:data_symbol
+	.size	movw,	.-movw
+# CHECK-TYPE: {{[0-9a-f]+}} R_ARM_MOVT_ABS data_symbol
+# CHECK-INSTR: 	00000014 <movt>:
+# CHECK-INSTR: 	      14: e3400000     movt      r0, #0x0
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(movt, 2) = (data_symbol&0xffff0000>>16)
weliveindetail wrote:

Small nit: "movt generates **one** leading implicit predicate **operand**" -- it has an explicit register operand at index 0


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