[lld] [ELF] Align the end of PT_GNU_RELRO associated PT_LOAD to a common-page-size boundary (PR #66042)

Rui Ueyama via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 12 16:46:48 PDT 2023

rui314 wrote:

Maybe you want to leave a comment somewhere in the code about what is `.relro_padding`? `.relro_padding` is there so that all pages in data segments are covered by at least one section. My understanding is that the section (or the section table in general) is not necessary for runtime because the runtime only cares about the program header, so you can technically leave the end of the data segment unused, but the `strip` tool would truncate a segment if the end of the segment is not covered by any section.


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