[compiler-rt] [scudo] Enable "Delayed release to OS" feature for Android (PR #65942)

Christopher Ferris via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 12 14:17:55 PDT 2023

cferris1000 wrote:

As Chia-hung mentions, this really only changes the secondary interval default from 0 to 1000ms.  If you look at the configs (allocator_config.h), you can see the explicit interval values. That's really where you should be changing anything. Although, if you are working on Android, we are using a custom config on top of tree, so you would need to modify that instead of the upstream config file.

In addition, on Android all apps default to setting the secondary interval to 1000ms anyway, so this is only going to change native processes. So this seems like it is a very limited change that isn't likely to make much of a difference.


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