[llvm] [mlir][bufferization][NFC] Rename copy_tensor op to materialize_in_destination (PR #65467)

Matthias Springer via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Sep 12 05:20:30 PDT 2023

matthias-springer wrote:

> Do I understand correctly that this is not just renaming but also relaxing the guarantees the op provides (guaranteed to lower to a memcpy vs only lowers to a memcpy if needed)? I assume there are no users of this op that relied on the guarantee of it to lower to a memcpy?

The op still bufferizes to a `memref.memcpy`, but transformations such as "empty tensor elimination" may remove the op before the bufferization pass is run. That's why I removed the `guaranteed` part from the description; that's not the point of the op. We don't really care whether there is a memcpy or not. We just want to make sure that the result is in a certain buffer.


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