[llvm] Update GoogleTest to v1.14.0 (PR #65823)

Paul T Robinson via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 11 11:28:37 PDT 2023

@@ -10,14 +10,10 @@ Cleaned up as follows:
 # Remove all the unnecessary files and directories
 $ rm -f CMakeLists.txt configure* Makefile* CHANGES CONTRIBUTORS README README.md .gitignore
 $ rm -rf build-aux make msvc scripts test docs
-$ rm -f `find . -name \*\.pump`
 $ rm -f src/gmock_main.cc
 # Put the license in the consistent place for LLVM.
 Modified as follows:
 * Support for std::begin/std::end in gmock-matchers.h
pogo59 wrote:

That seems odd, and worth following up with upstream googletest. In the meantime, I think it would be clearer to future maintainers if we did something to clearly identify the code blocks that were changed, and why. For example,
`// LLVM local change to support std::begin/std::end`
followed by the new code, and then the old code commented-out. That way diffs will provide clues, and merges/commits will have conflicts that someone will need to sort out properly.


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