[llvm] [InlineAsm] refactor InlineAsm class NFC (PR #65649)

Nathaniel McVicar via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 11 10:34:02 PDT 2023

NathanielMcVicar wrote:

This change appears to have broken the MLIR Windows buildbot (and probably some other Windows bots).
C:\buildbot\mlir-x64-windows-ninja\llvm-project\llvm\include\llvm\IR\InlineAsm.h(347) : error C2220: the following warning is treated as an error
C:\buildbot\mlir-x64-windows-ninja\llvm-project\llvm\include\llvm\IR\InlineAsm.h(347) : warning C4715: 'llvm::InlineAsm::Flag::getKindName': not all control paths return a value


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