[PATCH] D158779: [VPlan] Add active-lane-mask as VPlan-to-VPlan transformation.

Ayal Zaks via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 30 15:38:46 PDT 2023

Ayal added a comment.

Trying to simplify and clarify the logic as it gets refactored.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp:8684
   Instruction *DLInst =
   addCanonicalIVRecipes(*Plan, Legal->getWidestInductionType(),
nit: may be clearer to set and pass `bool HasNUW = CM.getTailFoldingStyle() == TailFoldingStyle::None;`, and possibly `auto DL = DLInst ? DLInst->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc());`

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp:8856
+  auto Style = CM.getTailFoldingStyle(IVUpdateMayOverflow);
+  if (useActiveLaneMask(Style))
nit: may be slightly clearer to set and pass

  bool ForControlFlow = useActiveLaneMaskForControlFlow(Style);
  bool WithoutRuntimeCheck = Style == TailFoldingStyle::DataAndControlFlowWithoutRuntimeCheck;

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:814
+// Add a VPActiveLaneMaskPHIRecipe to \p Plan.
+static VPActiveLaneMaskPHIRecipe *
This adds much more than a VPActiveLaneMaskPHIRecipe. One part adds recipes in preheader and this phi, returning it for further/any use. Another part replaces the loop branch with several recipes including an ActiveLaneMask. The two parts are apparently independent of each other.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:853
+    // induction variable increment by VF, we can increment the value before
+    // the get.active.lane mask and use the unmodified tripcount.
+    IncrementValue = CanonicalIVPHI->getOperand(1);
nit: this seems like the simpler case so should probably go first.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:854
+    // the get.active.lane mask and use the unmodified tripcount.
+    IncrementValue = CanonicalIVPHI->getOperand(1);
+    TripCount = TC;
nit: aka CanonicalIVIncrement?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:858
+  EB->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent();
+  auto *EntryALM = new VPInstruction(VPInstruction::ActiveLaneMask,
Better to erase the (BranchOnCount?) terminator next to inserting the new one which replaces it below - a BranchOnCond which effectively turns the loop into an uncountable one.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:870
+  // Create the active lane mask for the next iteration of the loop.
+  CanonicalIVIncrementParts =
+      new VPInstruction(VPInstruction::CanonicalIVIncrementForPart,
Better to use separate variables than redefine same `CanonicalIVIncrementParts` twice. As in ALM and EntryALM. Especially for something canonical...

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:892-893
+// Helper to iterate over all users of \p Start recursively and call \p Fn the
+// users. Iteration stops once \p Fn returns true.
+static void vp_for_all_users(VPUser *Start, function_ref<bool(VPUser *U)> Fn) {

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:894
+// users. Iteration stops once \p Fn returns true.
+static void vp_for_all_users(VPUser *Start, function_ref<bool(VPUser *U)> Fn) {
+  SmallSetVector<VPUser *, 4> Worklist;
Would `vp_find_if_user()` be more accurate, as in std::find_if(), returning the found VPUser* or null?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:903
+    }
+    if (Fn(U))
+      return;
ABataev wrote:
> Looks like boolean result of Fn is not used, you can make it simply return void.
nit: check if (Fn(U)) before inserting U's users to Worklist.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:903-904
+    }
+    if (Fn(U))
+      return;
+  }
Ayal wrote:
> ABataev wrote:
> > Looks like boolean result of Fn is not used, you can make it simply return void.
> nit: check if (Fn(U)) before inserting U's users to Worklist.
Agreed, Fn always returns false below, resulting in "for_all". Suggest to use "find_if" instead, in this case.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:913
+      UseActiveLaneMaskForControlFlow
+          ? addVPLaneMaskPhi(Plan, DataAndControlFlowWithoutRuntimeCheck)
+          : nullptr;
This is a major part of the transform. If replacing the loop branch can indeed be separated from generating LaneMaskPhi, perhaps it may be clearer to have here

  if (UseActiveLaneMaskForControlFlow)
    useActiveLaneMaskForLoopBranch(Plan, DataAndControlFlowWithoutRuntimeCheck);

and later have

  if (UseActiveLaneMaskForControlFlow) {
      auto *LaneMaskPhi = useActiveLaneMaskForPhi(Plan);
  else { ...

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:917
+  // Walk users of the canonical induction and replace all compares of the form
+  // (ICMP_ULE, wide canonical IV, backedge-taken-count) with an
+  // active-lane-mask.
How many instances of the same "WidenIV <= BTC" are we expecting?
Why replace each with a separate copy of ActiveLaneMask(IV, TC)?
Suffice to find_if one exists and process it? Can then verify find_if again does not find another.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/VPlanTransforms.cpp:928
+    if (LaneMaskPhi) {
+      VPI->replaceAllUsesWith(LaneMaskPhi);
+    } else {
nit: erase from parent here too, or leave both to DCE? Erasing a user during traversal?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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