[PATCH] D158256: [RISCV] Fix assertion failure when zcmp extension is enabled.
Anmol P. Paralkar via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Aug 28 10:27:06 PDT 2023
anmolparalkar-nxp added inline comments.
Comment at: llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/zcmp-prolog-epilog-crash.ll:15
+define hidden void @f0() local_unnamed_addr {
+; RV32I-LABEL: f0: # @f0
+; RV32I: .cfi_startproc
anmolparalkar-nxp wrote:
> anmolparalkar-nxp wrote:
> > anmolparalkar-nxp wrote:
> > > Jim wrote:
> > > > Does it have any difference of codegen between RV32 and RV64? Can we use the same check-prefixes?
> > > No difference in codegen between RV32 and RV64; yes, agreed on the same check-prefixes. Thanks.
> > After incorporating @craig.topper's comments on the use of poison value and the write to 'ptr null' being code fragments that could potentially be optimized away in the future, I respun the code and now the code generated is different for RV32 and RV64; the checks themselves being auto-generated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
> No longer applicable; please see note right below for the clarification. Thanks.
@garvitgupta08 Please mark both as Done (actually, this is no longer applicable, as there _is_ a difference between the RV32 code and RV64 code - and the check-prefixes are automatically generated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py). Please change the state from Not Done to Done on both @Jim's and @anmolparalkar-nxp's comments, thank you.
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