[PATCH] D158548: Limit bswap and bitreverse matching to legal integer width

Victor Mustya via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Aug 23 13:06:30 PDT 2023

vmustya added a comment.

In D158548#4611202 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D158548#4611202>, @nikic wrote:

> Can the expansion produce better code than it does now, or does some important information get lost that prevents this?
> Is the issue related to weird types like i9, or would this also be a problem for (say) i8?

I've only seen the issue with the weird types like i9. I've added the minimal reproducer as a lit test case:

  define i32 @illegal_width(i32 %x) {
    %b0 = and i32 %x, 1
    %b1 = and i32 %x, 2
    %shift1 = mul nuw nsw i32 %b1, 64
    %shift0 = shl nuw nsw i32 %b0, 8
    %reverse = add i32 %shift0, %shift1
    ret i32 %reverse

For x86_64 LLVM generates the following assembly:

  	rol	di, 8
  	mov	eax, edi
  	shl	eax, 6
  	and	eax, 16384
  	shl	edi, 5
  	and	edi, 16384
  	lea	eax, [rdi + 2*rax]
  	shr	eax, 7

With the patch applied, the assembly looks much better:

  	mov	eax, edi
  	and	eax, 2
  	shl	eax, 6
  	and	edi, 1
  	shl	edi, 8
  	or	eax, edi

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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