[PATCH] D158246: [amdgpu] WIP variadics

Jon Chesterfield via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Aug 18 13:32:18 PDT 2023

JonChesterfield added a comment.

Name candidates

- expand
- lower
- desugar
- transform

Lowering probably makes the most sense for the abi level apply to all functions, I like desugar to cover rewriting a subset of the graph

Comment at: libc/config/gpu/entrypoints.txt:84-85
     # stdio.h entrypoints
+    libc.src.stdio.snprintf
+    libc.src.stdio.vsnprintf
arsenm wrote:
> Split of the libc stuff into a separate patch, the lowering pass should be a standalone change
There's quite a lot of wip in this patch. Your feedback is welcome, but you could also wait for a cleaned up version with your name on the reviewer list if you prefer. The libc plumbing is keeping track of which parts are currently passing for collaboration with jhuber6

Comment at: llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/unsupported-calls.ll:57-58
 ; GCN: in function test_tail_call_bitcast_extern_variadic{{.*}}: unsupported required tail call to function extern_variadic
-; R600: in function test_tail_call_bitcast_extern_variadic{{.*}}: unsupported call to function extern_variadic
 define i32 @test_tail_call_bitcast_extern_variadic(<4 x float> %arg0, <4 x float> %arg1, i32 %arg2) {
arsenm wrote:
> Deleted the wrong error?
this is curious - the test is passing as written, maybe a quirk of running it with not llc

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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