[PATCH] D156439: [TLI][AArch64] Extend ReplaceWithVeclib to replace vector FREM instructions for scalable vectors

Jolanta Jensen via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 10 10:23:35 PDT 2023

jolanta.jensen added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/VectorUtils.h:184
+tryDemangleForVFABI(StringRef MangledName, const Module &M,
+                    std::optional<ElementCount> EC = std::nullopt);
mgabka wrote:
> please add documentation for the new added parameter.
> in my opinion the interface will be better if we use it for both scalable and fixed vectors, otherwise it is confusing what this parameter is and when it is used.
Updated the documentation.
For fixed vectors do not need to retrieve the Vectorization Factor. The Module parameter is only used for scalable vectors to  retrieve the Vectorization Factor.
But I realized the EC parameter can be misused if we use it with a CallInst and there is no Function in the Module. Any suggestions how to mitigate?

  // 1. We don't accept a zero lanes vectorization factor.
  // 2. We don't accept the demangling if the vector function is not
  // present in the module unless we handle an Instruction.
  if (VF == 0)
    return std::nullopt;
  if (!EC && !M.getFunction(VectorName))
    return std::nullopt;

Comment at: llvm/lib/Analysis/VFABIDemangling.cpp:455
     return std::nullopt;
-  if (!M.getFunction(VectorName))
+  if (!EC && !M.getFunction(VectorName))
     return std::nullopt;
Here, the EC parameter can be misused if it is set for a CallInst but the VectorFunction is not present in the Module. Any advice how to mitigate? 

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp:53
+      CI ? ElementCount::getFixed(0)
+         : (dyn_cast<ScalableVectorType>(I.getType()))->getElementCount();
   if (!TLIFunc) {
jolanta.jensen wrote:
> mgabka wrote:
> > this may fail, not all instructions used here will be returning Vector.
> > You need the EC only for frem case to create Type for the mask, but in this case you have guaranteed that it returns a vector type. Please change it.
> Change to what? I was sending ElementCount as an argument but this was disliked and I was asked to retrieve it here. How do you want it? Could you explain a bit more?
Sending NumElements as argument again, this time as optional one. Please check if this is a better solution.

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp:57
                       << "` to module.\n");
mgabka wrote:
> nod needed change
Added a blank line again. Same with line 68.

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp:76
+          return false;
+        unsigned MaskPos = Info->getParamIndexForOptionalMask().value();
+        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << DEBUG_TYPE << ": Mask position `" << MaskPos
jolanta.jensen wrote:
> mgabka wrote:
> > The whole idea about std::optional is that the value may not exist, https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/optional/value
> > and you need to handle it otherwise you will get exception.
> In my opinion the check on line 74 is enough but I can add one more check for the position of the mask.
Added a check if we got a return value.

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp:77
+        unsigned MaskPos = Info->getParamIndexForOptionalMask().value();
+        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << DEBUG_TYPE << ": Mask position `" << MaskPos
+                          << "`.\n");
mgabka wrote:
> IMO this dbg message is not needed as it is too detailed. LLVM tends to have more high level dbg output otherwise the dbg log are growing too quickly.
> for this pass having a dbg messages to show that the is replacement and what has been replaced with what in my opinion is enough.

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp:73
+      TLIFunc->copyAttributesFrom(OldFunc);
+      assert(OldFuncTy == TLIFunc->getFunctionType() &&
+             "Expecting function types to be identical");
mgabka wrote:
> jolanta.jensen wrote:
> > mgabka wrote:
> > > IMO  this assert is redundant,  it is essentially checking if the Function::Create works correctly, what is not needed in my opinion.
> > This assert is part of the original implementation, removing it would be introducing unnecessary nfc (even if it has been moved to avoid creation of an extra variable -- so the move is a nfc anyway). I would like to keep it since it is a part of the original implementation.
> FWIW this you already refactored the code quite a bit so removing not needed bit is not a problem as part of this work.
Removed the assert checking for the function type. i.e. on line 62.

Comment at: llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/replace-intrinsics-with-veclib-armpl.ll:195
+; NOTE: TLI mappings for FREM instruction.
mgabka wrote:
> a comment explaining why the transformation is not happening would be useful here.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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