[PATCH] D154130: [lit][clang] Avoid realpath on Windows due to MAX_PATH limitations

Tristan Labelle via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jul 28 10:18:25 PDT 2023

MrTrillian added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/FileManager.cpp:663
+    } else {
+      llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(AbsPathBuf, /*remove_dot_dot=*/true);
+      CanonicalName = AbsPathBuf.str().copy(CanonicalNameStorage);
benlangmuir wrote:
> MrTrillian wrote:
> > benlangmuir wrote:
> > > Removing .. can change where the path points in the presence of symlinks; is this needed?
> > > Removing .. can change where the path points in the presence of symlinks; is this needed?
> > 
> > @benlangmuir That's true and not ideal, but `makeAbsolute` will not resolve `/./` or `/../` in paths, so it's not a canonicalization and some tests were failing because of that. One alternative would be to use `makeAbsolute` + `remove_dots` on Windows (where removing dot dots is semantically correct) and `getRealPath` on Unix, like I do in lit. Suggestions?
> Wouldn't removing .. have the same issue with symlinks on Windows? I know symlinks are less common there, but it's not clear to me why it would be correct.  I guess you could also check if the paths resolve to the same file after removing ..
@benlangmuir Windows simplifies `\..\` in paths before starting to walk the filesystem. https://superuser.com/questions/1502360/different-behavior-of-double-dots-and-symlinks-in-windows-and-unix

If I detected that the path didn't resolve to the same file after removing `..`, what would I do?

I think the current logic will only end up using the `else` branch on Windows. At least I can't think of a scenario where the root would change from using realpath on unix.

Comment at: llvm/utils/lit/lit/TestRunner.py:1282
+        # a leading slash.
+        substitutions.append(("%:" + letter, colonNormalizePath(path)))
benlangmuir wrote:
> This change drops the `+ ".tmp"`  that was previously added to `%t:regex_replacement` and `%:t`.
> This change drops the `+ ".tmp"`  that was previously added to `%t:regex_replacement` and `%:t`.

@benlangmuir Actually not! The `path_substitutions` list uses `("t", tmpName)` which includes the `.tmp`, instead of `tmpBase` which doesn't. Looking at the original code, there didn't seem to be a reason to use `tmpBase` and re-append `.tmp` instead of using `tmpName`.



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