[PATCH] D150388: [CodeGen]Allow targets to use target specific COPY instructions for live range splitting

Alexander Kornienko via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 26 08:33:29 PDT 2023

alexfh added a comment.

In D150388#4533762 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D150388#4533762>, @arsenm wrote:

> In D150388#4533644 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D150388#4533644>, @alexfh wrote:
>> Can we have at least the workaround submitted?
> Could use another review I think given that it should also be cherry picked to the release branch. I should have a more general fix tomorrow

I'd be glad to help with the review, but I can't add more to the information @vitalybuka provided. Unfortunately I'm not an expert in the area and can't bring one in this case.

More generally speaking, this situation highlights the difference between reverting to a known good (*) state and fixing forward. When reverting, no thorough review is required and (if all dependent commits are reverted) we're guaranteed to return to a stable state reasonably quick. This way, for each discovered problem there is a commit soon enough that fixes it. This approach makes any release process of an LLVM based toolchain (be it one of the toolchains released by Google, official LLVM releases, toolchains in Linux distros, other companies' private toolchains, etc.) easier and more predictable. On the opposite side, an attempt to fix forward (unless trivial one that would normally require no review at all) can take arbitrarily long to be prepared and reviewed, and can open a completely new can of worms, especially if it triggers an unobvious problem that takes another few days to detect and root-cause.

(*) well, in the worst case, there may be known issues that the problematic commit was meant to resolve, but if "revert and then investigate" approach is applied systematically, these would be long-standing issues with initially a much longer resolution time frame. And here I'm assuming that fixing an issue should not lead to regressions in this or other parts of the project (hopefully, there's no disagreement on this point).

I'm not saying anything new here, just trying to push for a bit more systematic application of the existing patch reversion policy (https://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#patch-reversion-policy) and, similarly, in the code review policy (https://llvm.org/docs/CodeReview.html#can-code-be-reviewed-after-it-is-committed).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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