[PATCH] D155986: [clang][AMDGPU]: Don't use byval for struct arguments in function ABI

Changpeng Fang via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jul 24 14:49:51 PDT 2023

cfang added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenOpenCL/addr-space-struct-arg.cl:120
 // AMDGCN-NOT: @llvm.memcpy
-// AMDGCN-NEXT: call void @FuncOneLargeMember(ptr addrspace(5) noundef byval(%struct.LargeStructOneMember) align 8 %[[p_s]])
+// AMDGCN-NEXT: call void @FuncOneLargeMember(ptr addrspace(5) byref(%struct.LargeStructOneMember) align 8 %[[p_s]])
 void test_indirect_arg_private(void) {
arsenm wrote:
> These test checks are pretty thin, I'd like to see the memcpys in the IR. In a pre-commit, can you switch these tests to generated checks?
Do you mean using "update_cc_test_checks.py" to generate the CHECKs? I am not sure why this does not work as expected. But I am including it as a separate file " addr-space-struct-arg-temp.cl" for reference. 



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