[PATCH] D155932: [RISCV] Add subclasses of Sched to simplify code

Michael Maitland via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jul 24 10:48:48 PDT 2023

michaelmaitland added a comment.

Thanks for these changes, they clean up this file a bunch!

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVInstrInfoV.td:101
+class SchedNary<string write, list<string> reads,
+                string mx, int sew = 0, bit maskedOnly = 0>: Sched<[]> {
Can we add docstrings for these functions since they will be used by many different classes?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVInstrInfoV.td:101
+class SchedNary<string write, list<string> reads,
+                string mx, int sew = 0, bit maskedOnly = 0>: Sched<[]> {
michaelmaitland wrote:
> Can we add docstrings for these functions since they will be used by many different classes?
These classes are only used in `RISCVInstrVPseudos.td`. Do they belong in that file?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVInstrInfoV.td:111
+  defvar IsMasked = !ne(!find(NAME, "_MASK"), -1);
+  defvar AddReadVMask = !or(maskedOnly, IsMasked);
+  let SchedRW = !listconcat(WriteList, ReadList,
I don't know the case convention for TableGen, but it looks like we're mixing camel and pascal case here (and we also use underscores in other places too). Is there a reason for mixing case conventions here?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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