[PATCH] D155306: [mlir][ArmSME] Add tile load op and extend tile store tile size support

Diego Caballero via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 20 11:02:23 PDT 2023

dcaballe accepted this revision.
dcaballe added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LGTM % minor comments, thanks!

Comment at: mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/IR/ArmSME.td:230
+  let description = [{
+    Load a 2D SME "virtual tile" from memory.
I would add some minor comment about memory constraints (the slice of memory read should be contiguous, etc.). You can get some inspiration from the `vector.transfer_read` op.

Comment at: mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/IR/ArmSME.td:340
       Arguments<(ins Arg<LDSTPredicate, "Vector predicate">,
-                 Arg<LLVM_AnyPointer, "Load address", [MemRead]>,
+                 Arg<LLVM_AnyPointer, "Load address", [MemRead, MemWrite]>,
                  Arg<I32, "Virtual tile ID">,
It may be worth asking in Discourse about this. There might be a better side effect or workaround for this.

Comment at: mlir/lib/Conversion/VectorToArmSME/VectorToArmSME.cpp:82-92
+static void replaceLoadOrStoreOp(vector::LoadOp load,
+                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
+  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::TileLoadOp>(
+      load, load.getVectorType(), load.getBase(), load.getIndices());
+static void replaceLoadOrStoreOp(vector::StoreOp store,
We usually do this in place. No strong opinion but the number of these utilities may explode and it also create some kind of specific convention within this file.

Comment at: mlir/lib/Conversion/VectorToArmSME/VectorToArmSME.cpp:116
+      vector::LoadOp>::VectorLoadStoreToArmSMELowering;
why do we need these specializations?

Comment at: mlir/lib/Dialect/ArmSME/Transforms/LegalizeForLLVMExport.cpp:165
+///  }
+///  %tile = arm_sme.cast_tile_to_vector %tile_id : i32 to vector<[4]x[4]xi32>
+///  ```
we may want to materialize the loops in the SME dialect before the number of cases grow more

Comment at: mlir/lib/Dialect/ArmSME/Transforms/LegalizeForLLVMExport.cpp:333
+    auto tileI32 = castTileIDToI32(tile, loc, rewriter);
+    switch (tileElementWidth) {
spell out auto?

Comment at: mlir/lib/Dialect/ArmSME/Utils/CMakeLists.txt:1
+  Utils.cpp
c-rhodes wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > Do we need a dedicated library for one CPP file? Perhaps it's sufficient to add this to `MLIRArmSMETransforms`?
> > Do we need a dedicated library for one CPP file? Perhaps it's sufficient to add this to `MLIRArmSMETransforms`?
> I copied this from another dialect and it seems all dialects with utils do this.
Yeah, I've seen some complaints about the utils library in the past. I was even recommended to remove the utils files altogether. I'm ok with this, though, if other dialects are doing the same...

Comment at: mlir/test/Dialect/ArmSME/vector-ops-to-llvm.mlir:3
-// CHECK-LABEL: @transfer_write_2d_zero_i8
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: memref<?x?xi8>)
+// -----
remove init separator. Otherwise, this will compile an empty input for the upper part.

Comment at: mlir/test/Dialect/ArmSME/vector-ops-to-llvm.mlir:356
+// CHECK: %[[SVL_D:.*]] = arith.muli %[[MIN_SVL_D]], %{{.*}} : index
+// CHECK:   %[[TILE_ID_I32:.*]] = arith.trunci %[[CAST_VECTOR_TO_TILE]] : i64 to i32
+// CHECK:   arm_sme.intr.st1d.horiz
Nice testing!



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