[PATCH] D153262: Add named section flag "large" to objcopy

Thomas Köppe via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 26 03:15:25 PDT 2023

tkoeppe added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/ObjCopy/ELF/ELFObjcopy.cpp:706
         const SectionFlagsUpdate &SFU = Iter->second;
-        setSectionFlagsAndType(Sec, SFU.NewFlags);
+        uint16_t Arch = Config.OutputArch.value_or(MachineInfo());
+        if (Error E = setSectionFlagsAndType(Sec, SFU.NewFlags, Arch.EMachine))
jhenderson wrote:
> I don't think this is the correct way of finding the machine architecture at this point in the code. If `Config.OutputArch` isn't set, the result will be a value that doesn't support EM_X86_64_LARGE, even though the actual object being created might be an X86_64 object (because it was already one). Take a look at how `OutputElfType` is created in `executeObjcopyOnBinary` for example.
Aha, I'm now using `Config.OutputArch ? Config.OutputArch->EMachine : Obj.Machine`, PTAL.



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