[PATCH] D153519: [LegalizeTypes] Widen insert_subvector ops for fixed insert into scalable

Luke Lau via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 22 09:27:51 PDT 2023

luke added a comment.

In D153519#4441316 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D153519#4441316>, @craig.topper wrote:

> Is it possible for the widened type to exceed the minimum vscale?

Yes, but I think that would still fall under the "If this condition cannot be determined statically but is
false at runtime, then the result vector is undefined." part of insert_subvector's definition. Since we currently already lower an insert_subvector of e.g. v8i32 into nxv4i32

Comment at: llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rvv/insert-subvector.ll:498
+define <vscale x 4 x i64> @insert_nxv4i64_nxv3i64(<3 x i64> %sv) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: insert_nxv4i64_nxv3i64:
craig.topper wrote:
> This test already passes. v3i64 widens to v4i64 which should be detected as less than or equal to nxv4i64.
Argh, copy and paste error, should be nxv2i64

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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