[PATCH] D153430: [Clang][Driver] Warn on invalid Arm or AArch64 baremetal target triple

Michael Platings via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 22 09:17:58 PDT 2023

michaelplatings added a comment.

>   <input triple> selects the fallback GCC toolchain driver; did you mean <proposed triple>

This is a correct description of the current behaviour, but I want to keep the freedom to change the behaviour in future. Therefore I'd like to avoid defining what behaviour an invalid target triple will cause.

> - Why is it invalid?

Fair question. I could rephrase to:

  clang: warning: mismatch between architecture and environment in target triple 'aarch64-none-eabi'; did you mean 'aarch64-none-elf'? [-Winvalid-command-line-argument]

Does that make it clearer? (I still suspect that people won't understand what is meant by "environment" here but I can't think of a better explanation).

> - I assumed it was an error message, and was about to write a comment until I saw it was a warning.

It might not be clear in the code but `warning:` is automatically part of the output.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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