[PATCH] D150370: Introduce StructuredData

Nicolai Hähnle via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 20 12:54:37 PDT 2023

nhaehnle added a comment.

> More generally, I'm not happy that this new concept is being introduced as part of the target type implementation. This doesn't really seem helpful for this specific use case (it makes the implementation substantially more complex rather than simpler). It may well make sense as part of some larger context, but I think this larger context deserves a wider discussion (probably on discourse) to clarify what the goals of this abstraction are and make sure we have a good design for it.

Sure. It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing. I do think this approach is better than the piecemeal addition of things to bitcode reader/writer, which is rather subtle code that I don't think too many people understand, but at the same time, working on big changes is frustrating unless you have clear line-of-sight to actually getting something useful upstream. So I started with this small thing quite consciously on purpose.

I have a WIP change locally that leverages the same infrastructure for "extended metadata", and at least an early minimal version that does **something** interesting is something that I think I can put up reasonably soon so that the discussion doesn't end up overly abstract. I would also like to do the same thing for "extended instructions", but that's still a bit further out.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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