[PATCH] D150371: TargetExtType: Use a schema-based abbreviation in bitcode

Nicolai Hähnle via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Jun 20 04:50:58 PDT 2023

nhaehnle marked an inline comment as done.
nhaehnle added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Bitstream/Reader/BitstreamReader.cpp:380-385
+      size_t NumVals = (size_t)NumElts * NumFields;
+      if (!isSizePlausible(NumVals))
+        return error("Size is not plausible");
+      Vals.reserve(Vals.size() + NumVals);
+      Vals.push_back(NumElts);
Flakebi wrote:
> The code in `BitstreamCursor::skipRecord` and in `BitstreamCursor::readRecord` is almost identical. Maybe it makes sense to move that into a function that takes an optional `Vals` vector?
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I suspect that the initial theory was that `skipRecord` can be faster. It's unclear how valid that theory is with modern branch predictors. And if it genuinely is an issue, we could still have a single implementation that we force to be specialized by writing it as a template. In any case, I'd rather do that in a separate change.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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