[PATCH] D150763: [NFC][Py Reformat] Reformat python files in libcxx/libcxxabi

Mark de Wever via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 19 08:47:26 PDT 2023

Mordante added a comment.

Another question is it intended to validate the formatting? For libc++ we validate the formatting of our C++ code in the pre-commit CI. I really think it would be great to do that for these files too. If wanted I can do that too.

If you invoked black with command-line arguments could you add them to the commit message?

Comment at: libcxx/test/libcxx/gdb/gdb_pretty_printer_test.py:7
+# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##
 """Commands used to automate testing gdb pretty printers.
This looks odd. Is black set to a line length of 80 or 88 characters? IMO this header part should be the same number as characters as black. I assume it now is 81 characters.

Comment at: libcxx/utils/generate_feature_test_macro_components.py:9
 def get_libcxx_paths():
-  utils_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-  script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
-  assert os.path.exists(utils_path)
-  src_root = os.path.dirname(utils_path)
-  include_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'include')
-  assert os.path.exists(include_path)
-  docs_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'docs')
-  assert os.path.exists(docs_path)
-  macro_test_path = os.path.join(src_root, 'test', 'std', 'language.support',
-                            'support.limits', 'support.limits.general')
-  assert os.path.exists(macro_test_path)
-  assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(macro_test_path, 'version.version.compile.pass.cpp'))
-  return script_name, src_root, include_path, docs_path, macro_test_path
+    utils_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
I really would appreciate it when this file can remain unformatted for now. This will cause a lot of conflicts with D150795. The other Python files in that commit are smaller. I would be happy to run the formatter afterwards myself.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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