[llvm] 310473c - [JITLink][RISCV] Implement linker relaxation

Job Noorman via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed May 17 02:35:38 PDT 2023

Author: Job Noorman
Date: 2023-05-17T11:35:19+02:00
New Revision: 310473c536dd4837934832d1b5454d212f15d5cc

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/310473c536dd4837934832d1b5454d212f15d5cc
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/310473c536dd4837934832d1b5454d212f15d5cc.diff

LOG: [JITLink][RISCV] Implement linker relaxation

This patch is essentially an adaption of LLD's algorithm to JITLink.
Currently, only relaxing R_RISCV_CALL(_PLT) and R_RISCV_ALIGN is
implemented, other relocations can follow later.

>From a high level, the algorithm works as follows. In the first phase
(relaxBlock), we iteratively try to relax all instructions that have a
R_RISCV_RELAX relocation:
- If, based on the current symbol values, an instruction sequence can be
  relaxed (i.e., replaced by a shorter instruction), we record how many
  bytes would be removed, the new instruction (Writes), and the new
  relocation type (EdgeKinds).
- We keep track of the total number of bytes that got removed up to each
  relocation in the RelocDeltas array. This is the cumulative sum of the
  number of bytes removed for each relocation.
- Symbol values and sizes are updated based on the number of removed
- If for any relocation, the current RelocDeltas value doesn't match the
  one from the previous iteration, something changed and we need to run
  another iteration as some symbols might now have different values.

In the second phase (finalizeBlockRelax), all code is moved based on
RelocDeltas, the relaxed instructions are rewritten using Writes, and
R_RISCV_ALIGN is handled (moving instructions to ensure alignment and
inserting the correct NOP-sequence if needed). Finally, edge kinds and
offsets are updated and all R_RISCV_RELAX and R_RISCV_ALIGN edges are
removed (they are not needed anymore for the fixup linking stage).

Linker relaxation is implemented as a pass and added to PreFixupPasses
in the default configuration on RISC-V.

Since linker relaxation removes instructions, the memory for blocks
should ideally be reallocated. However, I believe this is currently not
possible in JITLink. Therefore, relaxation directly modifies the memory
of blocks, reducing the number of instructions but not the size of
blocks. I'm not very familiar with JITLink's memory allocators so I
might be overlooking something here, though.

Note on testing: some of the tests rely on the debug output of
llvm-jitlink. The main reason for this is the verification of symbol
sizes (which may change due to relaxation). I don't believe this can be
done using jitlink-check checks alone.

Note that there is a slightly unrelated change that makes
Symbol::setOffset public to be able to update symbol offsets during

Reviewed By: lhames

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D149526




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h
index a9c47d94496c2..59bd01b45a40e 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h
@@ -563,6 +563,11 @@ class Symbol {
   /// Returns the offset for this symbol within the underlying addressable.
   orc::ExecutorAddrDiff getOffset() const { return Offset; }
+  void setOffset(orc::ExecutorAddrDiff NewOffset) {
+    assert(NewOffset < getBlock().getSize() && "Offset out of range");
+    Offset = NewOffset;
+  }
   /// Returns the address of this symbol.
   orc::ExecutorAddr getAddress() const { return Base->getAddress() + Offset; }
@@ -661,11 +666,6 @@ class Symbol {
   void setBlock(Block &B) { Base = &B; }
-  void setOffset(orc::ExecutorAddrDiff NewOffset) {
-    assert(NewOffset <= MaxOffset && "Offset out of range");
-    Offset = NewOffset;
-  }
   static constexpr uint64_t MaxOffset = (1ULL << 59) - 1;
   // FIXME: A char* or SymbolStringPtr may pack better.

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.h
index 2acb03c440a44..c884cc28428b5 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.h
@@ -202,6 +202,18 @@ enum EdgeKind_riscv : Edge::Kind {
   /// Fixup expression:
   ///   Fixup <- (Target - Fixup + Addend)
+  /// An auipc/jalr pair eligible for linker relaxation.
+  ///
+  /// Linker relaxation will replace this with R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP or R_RISCV_JAL
+  /// if it succeeds, or with R_RISCV_CALL_PLT if it fails.
+  CallRelaxable,
+  /// Alignment requirement used by linker relaxation.
+  ///
+  /// Linker relaxation will use this to ensure all code sequences are properly
+  /// aligned and then remove these edges from the graph.
+  AlignRelaxable,
 /// Returns a string name for the given riscv edge. For debugging purposes

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_riscv.cpp b/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_riscv.cpp
index 309913475ed4e..307bf101f74a7 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_riscv.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/ELF_riscv.cpp
@@ -453,6 +453,308 @@ class ELFJITLinker_riscv : public JITLinker<ELFJITLinker_riscv> {
+namespace {
+struct SymbolAnchor {
+  uint64_t Offset;
+  Symbol *Sym;
+  bool End; // true for the anchor of getOffset() + getSize()
+struct BlockRelaxAux {
+  // This records symbol start and end offsets which will be adjusted according
+  // to the nearest RelocDeltas element.
+  SmallVector<SymbolAnchor, 0> Anchors;
+  // All edges that either 1) are R_RISCV_ALIGN or 2) have a R_RISCV_RELAX edge
+  // at the same offset.
+  SmallVector<Edge *, 0> RelaxEdges;
+  // For RelaxEdges[I], the actual offset is RelaxEdges[I]->getOffset() - (I ?
+  // RelocDeltas[I - 1] : 0).
+  SmallVector<uint32_t, 0> RelocDeltas;
+  // For RelaxEdges[I], the actual type is EdgeKinds[I].
+  SmallVector<Edge::Kind, 0> EdgeKinds;
+  // List of rewritten instructions. Contains one raw encoded instruction per
+  // element in EdgeKinds that isn't Invalid or R_RISCV_ALIGN.
+  SmallVector<uint32_t, 0> Writes;
+struct RelaxConfig {
+  bool IsRV32;
+  bool HasRVC;
+struct RelaxAux {
+  RelaxConfig Config;
+  DenseMap<Block *, BlockRelaxAux> Blocks;
+} // namespace
+static bool shouldRelax(const Section &S) {
+  return (S.getMemProt() & orc::MemProt::Exec) != orc::MemProt::None;
+static bool isRelaxable(const Edge &E) {
+  switch (E.getKind()) {
+  default:
+    return false;
+  case CallRelaxable:
+  case AlignRelaxable:
+    return true;
+  }
+static RelaxAux initRelaxAux(LinkGraph &G) {
+  RelaxAux Aux;
+  Aux.Config.IsRV32 = G.getTargetTriple().isRISCV32();
+  const auto &Features = G.getFeatures();
+  Aux.Config.HasRVC =
+      std::find(Features.begin(), Features.end(), "+c") != Features.end();
+  for (auto &S : G.sections()) {
+    if (!shouldRelax(S))
+      continue;
+    for (auto *B : S.blocks()) {
+      auto BlockEmplaceResult = Aux.Blocks.try_emplace(B);
+      assert(BlockEmplaceResult.second && "Block encountered twice");
+      auto &BlockAux = BlockEmplaceResult.first->second;
+      for (auto &E : B->edges())
+        if (isRelaxable(E))
+          BlockAux.RelaxEdges.push_back(&E);
+      if (BlockAux.RelaxEdges.empty()) {
+        Aux.Blocks.erase(BlockEmplaceResult.first);
+        continue;
+      }
+      const auto NumEdges = BlockAux.RelaxEdges.size();
+      BlockAux.RelocDeltas.resize(NumEdges, 0);
+      BlockAux.EdgeKinds.resize_for_overwrite(NumEdges);
+      // Store anchors (offset and offset+size) for symbols.
+      for (auto *Sym : S.symbols()) {
+        if (!Sym->isDefined() || &Sym->getBlock() != B)
+          continue;
+        BlockAux.Anchors.push_back({Sym->getOffset(), Sym, false});
+        BlockAux.Anchors.push_back(
+            {Sym->getOffset() + Sym->getSize(), Sym, true});
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Sort anchors by offset so that we can find the closest relocation
+  // efficiently. For a zero size symbol, ensure that its start anchor precedes
+  // its end anchor. For two symbols with anchors at the same offset, their
+  // order does not matter.
+  for (auto &BlockAuxIter : Aux.Blocks) {
+    llvm::sort(BlockAuxIter.second.Anchors, [](auto &A, auto &B) {
+      return std::make_pair(A.Offset, A.End) < std::make_pair(B.Offset, B.End);
+    });
+  }
+  return Aux;
+static void relaxAlign(orc::ExecutorAddr Loc, const Edge &E, uint32_t &Remove,
+                       Edge::Kind &NewEdgeKind) {
+  // E points to the start of the padding bytes.
+  // E + Addend points to the instruction to be aligned by removing padding.
+  // Alignment is the smallest power of 2 strictly greater than Addend.
+  const auto Align = NextPowerOf2(E.getAddend());
+  const auto DestLoc = alignTo(Loc.getValue(), Align);
+  const auto SrcLoc = Loc.getValue() + E.getAddend();
+  Remove = SrcLoc - DestLoc;
+  assert(static_cast<int32_t>(Remove) >= 0 &&
+         "R_RISCV_ALIGN needs expanding the content");
+  NewEdgeKind = AlignRelaxable;
+static void relaxCall(const Block &B, BlockRelaxAux &Aux,
+                      const RelaxConfig &Config, orc::ExecutorAddr Loc,
+                      const Edge &E, uint32_t &Remove,
+                      Edge::Kind &NewEdgeKind) {
+  const auto JALR =
+      support::endian::read32le(B.getContent().data() + E.getOffset() + 4);
+  const auto RD = extractBits(JALR, 7, 5);
+  const auto Dest = E.getTarget().getAddress() + E.getAddend();
+  const auto Displace = Dest - Loc;
+  if (Config.HasRVC && isInt<12>(Displace) && RD == 0) {
+    NewEdgeKind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP;
+    Aux.Writes.push_back(0xa001); // c.j
+    Remove = 6;
+  } else if (Config.HasRVC && Config.IsRV32 && isInt<12>(Displace) && RD == 1) {
+    NewEdgeKind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP;
+    Aux.Writes.push_back(0x2001); // c.jal
+    Remove = 6;
+  } else if (isInt<21>(Displace)) {
+    NewEdgeKind = R_RISCV_JAL;
+    Aux.Writes.push_back(0x6f | RD << 7); // jal
+    Remove = 4;
+  } else {
+    // Not relaxable
+    NewEdgeKind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT;
+    Remove = 0;
+  }
+static bool relaxBlock(LinkGraph &G, Block &Block, BlockRelaxAux &Aux,
+                       const RelaxConfig &Config) {
+  const auto BlockAddr = Block.getAddress();
+  bool Changed = false;
+  ArrayRef<SymbolAnchor> SA = ArrayRef(Aux.Anchors);
+  uint32_t Delta = 0;
+  Aux.EdgeKinds.assign(Aux.EdgeKinds.size(), Edge::Invalid);
+  Aux.Writes.clear();
+  for (auto [I, E] : llvm::enumerate(Aux.RelaxEdges)) {
+    const auto Loc = BlockAddr + E->getOffset() - Delta;
+    auto &Cur = Aux.RelocDeltas[I];
+    uint32_t Remove = 0;
+    switch (E->getKind()) {
+    case AlignRelaxable:
+      relaxAlign(Loc, *E, Remove, Aux.EdgeKinds[I]);
+      break;
+    case CallRelaxable:
+      relaxCall(Block, Aux, Config, Loc, *E, Remove, Aux.EdgeKinds[I]);
+      break;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected relaxable edge kind");
+    }
+    // For all anchors whose offsets are <= E->getOffset(), they are preceded by
+    // the previous relocation whose RelocDeltas value equals Delta.
+    // Decrease their offset and update their size.
+    for (; SA.size() && SA[0].Offset <= E->getOffset(); SA = SA.slice(1)) {
+      if (SA[0].End)
+        SA[0].Sym->setSize(SA[0].Offset - Delta - SA[0].Sym->getOffset());
+      else
+        SA[0].Sym->setOffset(SA[0].Offset - Delta);
+    }
+    Delta += Remove;
+    if (Delta != Cur) {
+      Cur = Delta;
+      Changed = true;
+    }
+  }
+  for (const SymbolAnchor &A : SA) {
+    if (A.End)
+      A.Sym->setSize(A.Offset - Delta - A.Sym->getOffset());
+    else
+      A.Sym->setOffset(A.Offset - Delta);
+  }
+  return Changed;
+static bool relaxOnce(LinkGraph &G, RelaxAux &Aux) {
+  bool Changed = false;
+  for (auto &[B, BlockAux] : Aux.Blocks)
+    Changed |= relaxBlock(G, *B, BlockAux, Aux.Config);
+  return Changed;
+static void finalizeBlockRelax(LinkGraph &G, Block &Block, BlockRelaxAux &Aux) {
+  auto Contents = Block.getAlreadyMutableContent();
+  auto *Dest = Contents.data();
+  auto NextWrite = Aux.Writes.begin();
+  uint32_t Offset = 0;
+  uint32_t Delta = 0;
+  // Update section content: remove NOPs for R_RISCV_ALIGN and rewrite
+  // instructions for relaxed relocations.
+  for (auto [I, E] : llvm::enumerate(Aux.RelaxEdges)) {
+    uint32_t Remove = Aux.RelocDeltas[I] - Delta;
+    Delta = Aux.RelocDeltas[I];
+    if (Remove == 0 && Aux.EdgeKinds[I] == Edge::Invalid)
+      continue;
+    // Copy from last location to the current relocated location.
+    const auto Size = E->getOffset() - Offset;
+    std::memmove(Dest, Contents.data() + Offset, Size);
+    Dest += Size;
+    uint32_t Skip = 0;
+    switch (Aux.EdgeKinds[I]) {
+    case Edge::Invalid:
+      break;
+    case AlignRelaxable:
+      // For R_RISCV_ALIGN, we will place Offset in a location (among NOPs) to
+      // satisfy the alignment requirement. If both Remove and E->getAddend()
+      // are multiples of 4, it is as if we have skipped some NOPs. Otherwise we
+      // are in the middle of a 4-byte NOP, and we need to rewrite the NOP
+      // sequence.
+      if (Remove % 4 || E->getAddend() % 4) {
+        Skip = E->getAddend() - Remove;
+        uint32_t J = 0;
+        for (; J + 4 <= Skip; J += 4)
+          support::endian::write32le(Dest + J, 0x00000013); // nop
+        if (J != Skip) {
+          assert(J + 2 == Skip);
+          support::endian::write16le(Dest + J, 0x0001); // c.nop
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP:
+      Skip = 2;
+      support::endian::write16le(Dest, *NextWrite++);
+      break;
+    case R_RISCV_JAL:
+      Skip = 4;
+      support::endian::write32le(Dest, *NextWrite++);
+      break;
+    }
+    Dest += Skip;
+    Offset = E->getOffset() + Skip + Remove;
+  }
+  std::memmove(Dest, Contents.data() + Offset, Contents.size() - Offset);
+  // Fixup edge offsets and kinds.
+  Delta = 0;
+  for (auto [I, E] : llvm::enumerate(Aux.RelaxEdges)) {
+    E->setOffset(E->getOffset() - Delta);
+    if (Aux.EdgeKinds[I] != Edge::Invalid)
+      E->setKind(Aux.EdgeKinds[I]);
+    Delta = Aux.RelocDeltas[I];
+  }
+  // Remove AlignRelaxable edges: all other relaxable edges got modified and
+  // will be used later while linking. Alignment is entirely handled here so we
+  // don't need these edges anymore.
+  for (auto *B : G.blocks()) {
+    for (auto IE = B->edges().begin(); IE != B->edges().end();) {
+      if (IE->getKind() == AlignRelaxable)
+        IE = B->removeEdge(IE);
+      else
+        ++IE;
+    }
+  }
+static void finalizeRelax(LinkGraph &G, RelaxAux &Aux) {
+  for (auto &[B, BlockAux] : Aux.Blocks)
+    finalizeBlockRelax(G, *B, BlockAux);
+static Error relax(LinkGraph &G) {
+  auto Aux = initRelaxAux(G);
+  while (relaxOnce(G, Aux)) {
+  }
+  finalizeRelax(G, Aux);
+  return Error::success();
 template <typename ELFT>
 class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_riscv : public ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT> {
@@ -518,6 +820,8 @@ class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_riscv : public ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT> {
       return EdgeKind_riscv::R_RISCV_SET32;
     case ELF::R_RISCV_32_PCREL:
       return EdgeKind_riscv::R_RISCV_32_PCREL;
+    case ELF::R_RISCV_ALIGN:
+      return EdgeKind_riscv::AlignRelaxable;
     return make_error<JITLinkError>(
@@ -525,6 +829,17 @@ class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_riscv : public ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT> {
         object::getELFRelocationTypeName(ELF::EM_RISCV, Type));
+  EdgeKind_riscv getRelaxableRelocationKind(EdgeKind_riscv Kind) {
+    switch (Kind) {
+    default:
+      // Just ignore unsupported relaxations
+      return Kind;
+    case R_RISCV_CALL:
+    case R_RISCV_CALL_PLT:
+      return CallRelaxable;
+    }
+  }
   Error addRelocations() override {
     LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Processing relocations:\n");
@@ -544,22 +859,17 @@ class ELFLinkGraphBuilder_riscv : public ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT> {
     using Base = ELFLinkGraphBuilder<ELFT>;
     uint32_t Type = Rel.getType(false);
-    // We do not implement linker relaxation, except what is required for
-    // alignment (see below).
-    if (Type == llvm::ELF::R_RISCV_RELAX)
-      return Error::success();
     int64_t Addend = Rel.r_addend;
-    if (Type == llvm::ELF::R_RISCV_ALIGN) {
-      uint64_t Alignment = PowerOf2Ceil(Addend);
-      // FIXME: Implement support for ensuring alignment together with linker
-      // relaxation; 2 bytes are guaranteed by the length of compressed
-      // instructions, so this does not need any action from our side.
-      if (Alignment > 2)
-        return make_error<JITLinkError>(
-            formatv("Unsupported relocation R_RISCV_ALIGN with alignment {0} "
-                    "larger than 2 (addend: {1})",
-                    Alignment, Addend));
+    if (Type == ELF::R_RISCV_RELAX) {
+      if (BlockToFix.edges_empty())
+        return make_error<StringError>(
+            "R_RISCV_RELAX without preceding relocation",
+            inconvertibleErrorCode());
+      auto &PrevEdge = *std::prev(BlockToFix.edges().end());
+      auto Kind = static_cast<EdgeKind_riscv>(PrevEdge.getKind());
+      PrevEdge.setKind(getRelaxableRelocationKind(Kind));
       return Error::success();
@@ -645,6 +955,7 @@ void link_ELF_riscv(std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G,
+    Config.PreFixupPasses.push_back(relax);
   if (auto Err = Ctx->modifyPassConfig(*G, Config))
     return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.cpp b/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.cpp
index 6ee92b065ca15..a78843b161479 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/riscv.cpp
@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ const char *getEdgeKindName(Edge::Kind K) {
     return "R_RISCV_SET32";
   case R_RISCV_32_PCREL:
     return "R_RISCV_32_PCREL";
+  case CallRelaxable:
+    return "CallRelaxable";
+  case AlignRelaxable:
+    return "AlignRelaxable";
   return getGenericEdgeKindName(K);

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align.s b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5a93dbb1ac360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align.s
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+## Test that we can handle R_RISCV_ALIGN.
+# RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir %t && cd %t
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv32 -mattr=+relax %s -o %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x0 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv64 -mattr=+relax %s -o %t.rv64
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x0 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv64
+    .globl main,align4,align8,align16,align32
+    .size align4, 1
+    .size align8, 1
+    .size align16, 1
+    .size align32, 1
+    call f
+    .balign 4
+    call f
+    .balign 8
+    call f
+    .balign 16
+    call f
+    .balign 32
+    call f
+    .size main, .-main
+    .globl f
+    ret
+    .size f, .-f
+# jitlink-check: main = 0x0
+# jitlink-check: align4 = 0x4
+# jitlink-check: align8 = 0x8
+# jitlink-check: align16 = 0x10
+# jitlink-check: align32 = 0x20
+## main: jal f
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(main))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(main, 1) = (f - main)
+## align 4: jal f
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align4))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align4, 1) = (f - align4)
+## align8: jal f; nop
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align8))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align8, 1) = (f - align8)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align8+4)) = 0x13
+## align16: jal f; nop; nop; nop
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align16))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align16, 1) = (f - align16)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align16+4)) = 0x13
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align16+8)) = 0x13
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align16+12)) = 0x13
+## align32: jal f
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align32))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align32, 1) = (f - align32)

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align_rvc.s b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align_rvc.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d022a8e573a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_align_rvc.s
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+## Test that we can handle R_RISCV_ALIGN.
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv32 -mattr=+relax,+c %s -o %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x0 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv64 -mattr=+relax,+c %s -o %t.rv64
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x0 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv64
+    .globl main,align2,align4,align8,align16,align32
+    .type  main, at function
+    jump f, t0
+    .balign 2
+    jump f, t0
+    .size align2,.-align2
+    .balign 4
+    jump f, t0
+    .size align4,.-align4
+    .balign 8
+    jump f, t0
+    .size align8,.-align8
+    .balign 16
+    jump f, t0
+    .size align16,.-align16
+    .size main, .-main
+    .globl f
+    ret
+    .size f, .-f
+# jitlink-check: main = 0x0
+# jitlink-check: align2 = 0x2
+# jitlink-check: align4 = 0x4
+# jitlink-check: align8 = 0x8
+# jitlink-check: align16 = 0x10
+## main: c.j f
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(main))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(main))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(main, 0)[11:0] = (f - main)[11:0]
+## align2: c.j f
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align2))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align2))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align2, 0)[11:0] = (f - align2)[11:0]
+## align4: c.j f; c.nop
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align4))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align4))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align4, 0)[11:0] = (f - align4)[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align4+2)) = 0x1
+## align8: c.j f; nop; c.nop
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align8))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align8))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align8, 0)[11:0] = (f - align8)[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(align8+2)) = 0x13
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align8+6)) = 0x1
+## align16: c.j f
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align16))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(align16))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(align16, 0)[11:0] = (f - align16)[11:0]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call.s b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8184f5c710457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call.s
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=riscv32 -mattr=+relax -filetype=obj -o %t.rv32 %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s %t.rv32 \
+# RUN:    2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=riscv64 -mattr=+relax -filetype=obj -o %t.rv64 %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s %t.rv64 \
+# RUN:    2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+        .text
+## Successful relaxation: call -> jal
+        .globl  main
+        .type   main, at function
+        call f
+        .size   main, .-main
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - main) - 2
+        .globl f
+        .type   f, at function
+        call main
+        .size f, .-f
+## Failed relaxation: call -> auipc, jalr
+        .globl g
+        call h
+        .size g, .-g
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - g) + 2
+        .globl h
+        .type   h, at function
+        call g
+        .size h, .-h
+## Successful relaxation: jump -> jal (not c.j as RVC is disabled)
+        .globl i
+        .type   i, at function
+        jump j, t0
+        .size i, .-i
+        .skip  (1 << 11) - (. - i) - 2
+        .globl j
+        .type   j, at function
+        jump i, t1
+        .size j, .-j
+## Successful relaxation: jump -> jal
+        .globl k
+        .type   k, at function
+        jump l, t2
+        .size k, .-k
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - k) - 2
+        .globl l
+        .type   l, at function
+        jump k, t3
+        .size l, .-l
+## Failed relaxation: jump -> auipc, jalr
+        .globl m
+        .type   m, at function
+        jump n, t2
+        .size m, .-m
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - m) + 2
+        .globl n
+        .type   n, at function
+        jump m, t3
+        .size n, .-n
+## Successful relaxation: call -> jal
+        .globl o
+        .type   o, at function
+        call p
+        .size o, .-o
+        .skip  (1 << 11) - (. - o) - 2
+        .globl p
+        .type   p, at function
+        call o
+        .size p, .-p
+# CHECK: Link graph "{{.*}}" before copy-and-fixup:
+# CHECK: section .text:
+# CHECK:   block 0x1000
+# CHECK:     symbols:
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00000000): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   main
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffa): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   f
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffe): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   g
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200000): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   h
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200008): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   i
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200802): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   j
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200806): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   k
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00300800): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   l
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00300804): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   m
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00400806): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   n
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080e): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   o
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401008): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   p
+# CHECK:     edges:
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00000000), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = f
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffa), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = main
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffe), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = h
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200000), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = g
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200008), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = j
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200802), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = i
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00200806), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = l
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00300800), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = k
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00300804), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = n
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00400806), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = m
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080e), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = p
+# CHECK:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401008), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = o
+## main: jal f
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(main))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(main, 1) = (f - main)
+## f: jal main
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(f))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(f, 1) = (main - f)
+## g:
+## - auipc ra, %pcrel_hi(h)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(g))[11:0] = 0x97
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g, 1) = (h - g + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr ra, %pcrel_lo(g)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(g+4))[19:0] = 0x80e7
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g+4, 2)[11:0] = (h - g)[11:0]
+## h:
+## - auipc ra, %pcrel_hi(g)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(h))[11:0] = 0x97
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(h, 1) = (g - h + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr ra, %pcrel_lo(h)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(h+4))[19:0] = 0x80e7
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(h+4, 2)[11:0] = (g - h)[11:0]
+## i: jal x0, j
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(i))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(i, 1)[11:0] = (j - i)[11:0]
+## j: jal x0, i
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(j))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(j, 1)[11:0] = (i - j)[11:0]
+## k: jal x0, l
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(k))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(k, 1) = (l - k)
+## l: jal x0, k
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(l))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(l, 1) = (k - l)
+## m:
+## - auipc t2, %pcrel_hi(n)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(m))[11:0] = 0x397
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(m, 1) = (n - m + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr t2, %pcrel_lo(m)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(m+4))[19:0] = 0x38067
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(m+4, 2)[11:0] = (n - m)[11:0]
+## n:
+## - auipc t3, %pcrel_hi(m)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(n))[11:0] = 0xe17
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(n, 1) = (m - n + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr t3, %pcrel_lo(n)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(n+4))[19:0] = 0xe0067
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(n+4, 2)[11:0] = (m - n)[11:0]
+## o: jal p
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(o))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(o, 1) = (p - o)
+## p: jal o
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(p))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(p, 1) = (o - p)

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_boundary.s b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_boundary.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..76dcee3921cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_boundary.s
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+## Test R_RISCV_CALL relaxation for some boundary situations that need multiple
+## iterations before symbols fit in a c.j immediate.
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv32 -mattr=+relax,+c %s -o %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv32
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=riscv64 -mattr=+relax,+c %s -o %t.rv64
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -check %s %t.rv64
+        .globl main
+        .type main, at function
+## Relaxed to c.j. This needs 2 iterations: c.j only fits after first relaxing
+## to jal
+        tail f
+        .space 2042
+        .size main, .-main
+        .globl f
+        .type f, at function
+## Relaxed to c.j in the same way as above.
+        tail main
+        .size f, .-f
+        .globl g
+        .type g, at function
+## Relaxed to c.j. This needs 3 iterations: c.j only fits after first relaxing
+## both itself and the call to g to jal, and then relaxing the call to g to c.j
+        tail h
+        tail g
+        .space 2040
+        .size g, .-g
+        .globl h
+        .type h, at function
+## Relaxed to c.j in the same way as above.
+        tail g
+        .size h, .-h
+## main: c.j f
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(main))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(main))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(main, 0)[11:0] = (f - main)[11:0]
+## f: c.j main
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(f))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(f))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(f, 0)[11:0] = (main - f)[11:0]
+## g: c.j h; c.j g
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(g))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(g))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g, 0)[11:0] = (h - g)[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(g+2))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(g+2))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g+2, 0)[11:0] = (g - (g + 2))[11:0]
+## h: c.j g
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(h))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(h))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(h, 0)[11:0] = (g - h)[11:0]

diff  --git a/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_rvc.s b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_rvc.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..854929969733f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/RISCV/ELF_relax_call_rvc.s
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=riscv32 -mattr=+relax,+c -filetype=obj -o %t.rv32 %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s %t.rv32 \
+# RUN:    2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s -check-name=jitlink-check-rv32 %t.rv32 \
+# RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-RV32 %s
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=riscv64 -mattr=+relax,+c -filetype=obj -o %t.rv64 %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s %t.rv64 \
+# RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec \
+# RUN:     -slab-allocate 100Kb -slab-address 0x1000 -slab-page-size 4096 \
+# RUN:     -debug-only=jitlink -check %s -check-name=jitlink-check-rv64 %t.rv64 \
+# RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-RV64 %s
+        .text
+## Successful relaxation: call -> jal
+        .globl  main
+        .type   main, at function
+        call f # rv64+c: jal (size 4)
+        .size   main, .-main
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - main) - 2
+        .globl f
+        .type   f, at function
+        call main
+        .size f, .-f
+## Failed relaxation: call -> auipc, jalr
+        .globl g
+        call h
+        .size g, .-g
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - g) + 2
+        .globl h
+        .type   h, at function
+        call g
+        .size h, .-h
+## Successful relaxation: jump -> c.j
+        .globl i
+        .type   i, at function
+        jump j, t0
+        .size i, .-i
+        .skip  (1 << 11) - (. - i) - 2
+        .globl j
+        .type   j, at function
+        jump i, t1
+        .size j, .-j
+## Successful relaxation: jump -> jal
+        .globl k
+        .type   k, at function
+        jump l, t2
+        .size k, .-k
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - k) - 2
+        .globl l
+        .type   l, at function
+        jump k, t3
+        .size l, .-l
+## Failed relaxation: jump -> auipc, jalr
+        .globl m
+        .type   m, at function
+        jump n, t2
+        .size m, .-m
+        .skip  (1 << 20) - (. - m) + 2
+        .globl n
+        .type   n, at function
+        jump m, t3
+        .size n, .-n
+## RV32: Successful relaxation: call -> c.jal
+## RV64: Successful relaxation: call -> jal
+        .globl o
+        .type   o, at function
+        call p
+        .size o, .-o
+        .skip  (1 << 11) - (. - o) - 2
+        .globl p
+        .type   p, at function
+        call o
+        .size p, .-p
+# CHECK:      Link graph "{{.*}}" before copy-and-fixup:
+# CHECK:      section .text:
+# CHECK:        block 0x1000
+# CHECK:          symbols:
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00000000): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   main
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffa): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   f
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffe): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   g
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200000): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   h
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200008): size: 0x00000002, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   i
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200800): size: 0x00000002, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   j
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200802): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   k
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x003007fc): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   l
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00300800): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   m
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00400802): size: 0x00000008, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   n
+# CHECK-RV32:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080a): size: 0x00000002, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   o
+# CHECK-RV64:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080a): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   o
+# CHECK-RV32:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401002): size: 0x00000002, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   p
+# CHECK-RV64:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401004): size: 0x00000004, linkage: strong, scope: default, live  -   p
+# CHECK:          edges:
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00000000), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = f
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffa), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = main
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x000ffffe), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = h
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200000), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = g
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200008), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP, target = j
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200800), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP, target = i
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00200802), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = l
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x003007fc), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = k
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00300800), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = n
+# CHECK:            {{.*}} (block + 0x00400802), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, target = m
+# CHECK-RV32:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080a), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP, target = p
+# CHECK-RV64:       {{.*}} (block + 0x0040080a), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = p
+# CHECK-RV32:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401002), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_RVC_JUMP, target = o
+# CHECK-RV64:       {{.*}} (block + 0x00401004), addend = +0x00000000, kind = R_RISCV_JAL, target = o
+## main: jal f
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(main))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(main, 1) = (f - main)
+## f: jal main
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(f))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(f, 1) = (main - f)
+## g:
+## - auipc ra, %pcrel_hi(h)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(g))[11:0] = 0x97
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g, 1) = (h - g + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr ra, %pcrel_lo(g)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(g+4))[19:0] = 0x80e7
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(g+4, 2)[11:0] = (h - g)[11:0]
+## h:
+## - auipc ra, %pcrel_hi(g)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(h))[11:0] = 0x97
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(h, 1) = (g - h + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr ra, %pcrel_lo(h)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(h+4))[19:0] = 0x80e7
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(h+4, 2)[11:0] = (g - h)[11:0]
+## i: c.j j
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(i))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(i))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(i, 0)[11:0] = (j - i)[11:0]
+## j: c.j i
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(j))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check: (*{2}(j))[15:13] = 0x5
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(j, 0)[11:0] = (i - j)[11:0]
+## k: jal x0, l
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(k))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(k, 1) = (l - k)
+## l: jal x0, k
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(l))[11:0] = 0x6f
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(l, 1) = (k - l)
+## m:
+## - auipc t2, %pcrel_hi(n)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(m))[11:0] = 0x397
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(m, 1) = (n - m + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr t2, %pcrel_lo(m)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(m+4))[19:0] = 0x38067
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(m+4, 2)[11:0] = (n - m)[11:0]
+## n:
+## - auipc t3, %pcrel_hi(m)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(n))[11:0] = 0xe17
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(n, 1) = (m - n + 0x800)[31:12]
+## - jalr t3, %pcrel_lo(n)
+# jitlink-check: (*{4}(n+4))[19:0] = 0xe0067
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(n+4, 2)[11:0] = (m - n)[11:0]
+## RV32: o: c.jal p
+# jitlink-check-rv32: (*{2}(o))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check-rv32: (*{2}(o))[15:13] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check-rv32: decode_operand(o, 0) = (p - o)
+## RV64: o: jal p
+# jitlink-check-rv64: (*{4}(o))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check-rv64: decode_operand(o, 1) = (p - o)
+## RV32: p: c.jal o
+# jitlink-check-rv32: (*{2}(p))[1:0] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check-rv32: (*{2}(p))[15:13] = 0x1
+# jitlink-check-rv32: decode_operand(p, 0) = (o - p)
+## RV64: p: jal o
+# jitlink-check-rv64: (*{4}(p))[11:0] = 0xef
+# jitlink-check-rv64: decode_operand(p, 1) = (o - p)


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