[PATCH] D149451: [NVPTX] Add NVPTXCtorDtorLoweringPass to handle global ctors / dtors

Joseph Huber via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon May 1 16:02:28 PDT 2023

jhuber6 added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/NVPTX/NVPTXCtorDtorLowering.cpp:58
+        ((IsCtor ? "__init_array_object_" : "__fini_array_object_") +
+         F->getName() + "_" + getHash(M.getName()) + "_" +
+         std::to_string(Priority))
tra wrote:
> tra wrote:
> > jhuber6 wrote:
> > > tra wrote:
> > > > Source file name may be a little bit better, though it's still easy to clash if someone does `cd A; clang ./foo.c; cd ../B; clang ./foo.c` and the file name uses relative paths.
> > > > 
> > > > I think we'll need a way to override this unique suffix explicitly as an escape hatch for cases where someone runs into a clash.
> > > I figured it'd be good enough since this is admittedly *very* niche. So someone would need to have a file called `foo.c` that also had a constructor called `foo` in it. For it to clash. Isn't it too late to grab the source filename while we're in the backend lowering stage?
> > > someone would need to have a file called foo.c that also had a constructor called foo in it
> > 
> > Unlikely != impossible.  It's a trade-off between the hassle of implementing the plan B and the hassle of debugging and working around the clash for someone who runs into this.
> > On one hand that's indeed unlikely to happen, but, given enough exposure, someone/somewhere will run into it and they will likely be ill-equipped to even tell what's going on.
> > In general, compiler options are logistically much easier to deal with compared to having to change the source code.
> > 
> > > Isn't it too late to grab the source filename while we're in the backend lowering stage?
> > 
> > The module already has the file name recorded and available via `llvm::Module::getSourceFileName()`, so it's as easy to get as the module name.
> On the second thought, do you think we'll ever end up running this pass with a module created purely in memory w/o having a source file name. Or, perhaps even without the module name either?
> Even the hash of the IR itself will not be sufficient. Users are allowed to compile and link completely identical TUs as long as they don't have conflicting names.  I can imagine some sort of "plugin" module with only private symbols, but which has initializers to register stuff on startup. Two identical instances of such a module should be able to work, but they would end up with identical hash in this scheme. I do not see any way to automatically disambiguate them, short of using random numbers, but that would make compilation results unstable.
> I still think we need to be able to provide the uniquifier manually via an option.
Yeah, I'm assuming they would just get a name conflict in that case. We can definitely add a special option that just adds some noise.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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