[PATCH] D148903: [PGO] Avoid potential const_cast UB (NFC)

Christian Ulmann via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 24 23:54:30 PDT 2023

Dinistro added a comment.

Added a comment to the critical UB causing part. Again, while there might be a way to keep constness, it requires extended changes. Fixing UB should be done first, afterwards, we can think about refactorings that allow us to keep constness where possible.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/PGOInstrumentation.cpp:840
   BasicBlock *InstrBB =
       isa<IndirectBrInst>(TI) ? nullptr : SplitCriticalEdge(TI, SuccNum);
   if (!InstrBB) {
This full function is shared between the instrumentation and the use pass. Keeping const will always result in UB, as the SplitCriticalEdge function will be called with `TI`, which should be of type `const Instruction *`.
I fail to see how a templated edge class would help in resolving this issue, could you elaborate @xur ?

I believe that splitting the logic between instrument and usage might help to reduce the complexity and push const in some places, but that requires extended changes to the algorithms. 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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