[PATCH] D99750: [LV, VP] RFC: VP intrinsics support for the Loop Vectorizer (Proof-of-Concept)

Alexey Bataev via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Apr 23 06:29:44 PDT 2023

ABataev added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize/LoopVectorize.cpp:265-271
+namespace {
+enum class EVLOption {
+  NoPredication = 0,
+  IfEVLSupported,
+  ForceEVLSupport
+} // namespace
zlxu-rivai wrote:
> ABataev wrote:
> > zlxu-rivai wrote:
> > > IMHO, the vector length predication could be regarded as an another form of tail-folding, but not like ARM SVE which is based on `active.lane.mask` but based on an integer as vector length.
> > > 
> > > Based on this notion of unification, it would be better to augment the enum TailFoldingStyle, for example, add new entries like `TailFoldingStyle::DataWithEVL` (serving the purpose of `EVLOption::IfEVLSupport`) and the existent `TailFoldingStyle::None` can be reused as `EVLOption::NoPredication`.
> > Not necessarily. Generally speaking, we would like to support vectorized loop remainder in the future as one of the alternative solutions, so better to keep them separate.
> Forgive my ignorance, is there any scenario that epilogue vectorization is profitable when EVL is support? since in my understanding, eliminate loop epilogue is an important point of EVL.
It may be, at least for some time. Some of the optimizations work better for countable loops. It requires some extra work and time, before that, at least, vectorized loop remainder may be faster in some cases.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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