[PATCH] D146557: [MLIR][OpenMP] Refactoring how map clause is processed

Akash Banerjee via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Apr 20 05:29:48 PDT 2023

TIFitis added a comment.

In D146557#4283149 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D146557#4283149>, @kiranchandramohan wrote:

> Please update the summary to convey all the changes introduced in the patch.
> From the tests, it looks like there is a substantial change in the IR. I was hoping this to be an NFC change.

I have updated the summary highlighting the notable changes along with changes to the generated code.

Comment at: mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/omptarget-llvm.mlir:4-5
-llvm.func @_QPopenmp_target_data() {
-  %0 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : i64
-  %1 = llvm.alloca %0 x i32 {bindc_name = "i", in_type = i32, operand_segment_sizes = array<i32: 0, 0>, uniq_name = "_QFopenmp_target_dataEi"} : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i32>
   omp.target_data   map((tofrom -> %1 : !llvm.ptr<i32>)) {
kiranchandramohan wrote:
> Why is the test changed?
Moved the map_operand to function parameter to be consistent with other tests. I think it can remain unchanged if you prefer.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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