[PATCH] D148438: [AMDGPU] Allow AGPR hi16 regs in AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis

Pierre van Houtryve via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Apr 16 23:35:31 PDT 2023

Pierre-vh added a comment.

There's a test failure, otherwise LGTM so I'll approve when it passes

Comment at: llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU/resource-usage-agpr-hi16.ll:42
+; GFX90A-NEXT:    ; implicit-def: $agpr0_lo16
+; GFX90A-NEXT:    ; implicit-def: $agpr0_hi16
+; GFX90A-NEXT:    ; implicit-def: $vgpr26
foad wrote:
> Note that `$agpr0_hi16` is defined but there is no AGPR_HI16 register class.
> These mentions of AGPR hi16 regs were introduced by BranchFolderPass.
small nit: as we don't care about most of the output, perhaps just check for that line only instead of generating the whole test?
I would also add a comment to the test to explain that we're checking that agpr_16 doesn't crash resource usage analysis because it doesn't have an associated RC.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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