[PATCH] D147066: [DWARFLinker][DWARFv5] Add handling of DW_OP_addrx and DW_OP_constx expression operands.

Jonas Devlieghere via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 14 10:36:15 PDT 2023

JDevlieghere added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:48-62
+// This structure keeps patch for the location attribute and the value
+// of relocation which should be applied: either to the function ranges
+// if location attribute is of type 'loclist', either to the operand of
+// DW_OP_addr/DW_OP_addrx if location attribute is of type 'exprloc'.
+// ASSUMPTION: Location attributes of 'loclist' type containing 'exprloc'
+//             with address expression operands are not supported yet.
+struct PatchWithRelocAdjustment {
Instead of wrapping `PatchLocation` in another struct, would it make sense to add the `RelocAdjustment` to the `PatchLocation` itself?

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinker.cpp:1107
+      } else
+        Linker.reportWarning("Cannot read DW_OP_addrx operand.", File);
+    } else if (!Linker.Options.Update && Op.getCode() == dwarf::DW_OP_constx) {

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinker.cpp:1126
+          Linker.reportWarning(
+              formatv(("Unsupported address size: {0}."), OrigAddressByteSize),
+              File);

Comment at: llvm/lib/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinker.cpp:1140
+      } else
+        Linker.reportWarning("Cannot read DW_OP_constx operand.", File);
     } else {

Comment at: llvm/tools/dsymutil/DwarfLinkerForBinary.cpp:1006-1044
+  // Parse 'exprloc' expression.
+  DataExtractor Data(toStringRef(*Expr), U->getContext().isLittleEndian(),
+                     U->getAddressByteSize());
+  DWARFExpression Expression(Data, U->getAddressByteSize(),
+                             U->getFormParams().Format);
+  uint64_t CurExprOffset = 0;
The code to parse the exprloc here is very similar to that in the dsymutil variant. Any chance we could hoist some of this logic into the DWARFLinker? 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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