[PATCH] D148121: Clarify that the CoC texts are under a Creative Commons license

Kristof Beyls via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Apr 13 01:25:00 PDT 2023

kristof.beyls added a comment.

In D148121#4263216 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D148121#4263216>, @efriedma wrote:

> llvm-project/LICENSE.txt says:
>   ==============================================================================
>   Software from third parties included in the LLVM Project:
>   ==============================================================================
>   The LLVM Project contains third party software which is under different license
>   terms. All such code will be identified clearly using at least one of two
>   mechanisms:
>   1) It will be in a separate directory tree with its own `LICENSE.txt` or
>      `LICENSE` file at the top containing the specific license and restrictions
>      which apply to that software, or
>   2) It will contain specific license and restriction terms at the top of every
>      file.
> Putting a license blob at the end of the file doesn't comply with that.

Thanks for pointing that out, @efriedma .
I've now added the license info also at the top of the files as a RestructuredText comment.
I think that's the best way to comply in RestructuredText files with what's written in the top-level LICENSE.txt.



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