[llvm] 1290d0d - [NFC][m68k] Remove the lingering codebeads-related part in M68kInstrFormats.td

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 12 22:38:05 PDT 2023

Author: Sheng
Date: 2023-04-13T13:37:37+08:00
New Revision: 1290d0ddce55bba97d142dd769bbf2364d765e33

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1290d0ddce55bba97d142dd769bbf2364d765e33
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1290d0ddce55bba97d142dd769bbf2364d765e33.diff

LOG: [NFC][m68k] Remove the lingering codebeads-related part in M68kInstrFormats.td




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrArithmetic.td b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrArithmetic.td
index d4c10466558cd..6941e4d29e30f 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrArithmetic.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrArithmetic.td
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class MxBiArOp_R_RI<string MN, SDNode NODE, MxType TYPE, bits<4> CMD>
              [(set TYPE.VT:$dst, CCR, (NODE TYPE.VT:$src, TYPE.IPat:$opd))]> {
   let Inst = (ascend
     (descend 0b0000, CMD,
-             !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+             !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
              // The destination cannot be address register, so it's always
              // the MODE for data register direct mode.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class MxBiArOp_MI<string MN, MxType TYPE,
              MN#"."#TYPE.Prefix#"\t$opd, $dst", []> {
   let Inst = (ascend
     (descend 0b0000, CMD,
-             !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+             !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
     // Source (i.e. immediate value) encoding
     MxEncAddrMode_i<"opd", TYPE.Size>.Supplement,
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ class MxCmp_RI<MxType TYPE>
              [(set CCR, (MxCmp TYPE.IPat:$imm, TYPE.VT:$reg))]> {
   let Inst = (ascend
     (descend 0b00001100,
-             !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+             !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
              // The destination cannot be address register, so it's always
              // the MODE for data register direct mode.
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ class MxCmp_MI<MxType TYPE, MxOperand MEMOpd, ComplexPattern MEMPat,
              [(set CCR, (MxCmp TYPE.IPat:$imm, (load MEMPat:$mem)))]> {
   let Inst = (ascend
     (descend 0b00001100,
-             !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+             !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
     // Source (i.e. immediate value) encoding
     MxEncAddrMode_i<"imm", TYPE.Size>.Supplement,
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ class MxCmp_BI<MxType TYPE>
   defvar AbsEncoding = MxEncAddrMode_abs<"abs", true>;
   let Inst = (ascend
     (descend 0b00001100,
-             !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+             !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
     // Source (i.e. immediate value) encoding
     MxEncAddrMode_i<"imm", TYPE.Size>.Supplement,
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ class MxNeg_D<MxType TYPE>
              [(set TYPE.VT:$dst, (ineg TYPE.VT:$src))]> {
   let Inst = (descend 0b01000100,
-    /*SIZE*/!cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+    /*SIZE*/!cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
     //MODE without last bit
     //REGISTER prefixed by D/A bit
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ class MxNegX_D<MxType TYPE>
              [(set TYPE.VT:$dst, (MxSubX 0, TYPE.VT:$src, CCR))]> {
   let Inst = (descend 0b01000000,
-    /*SIZE*/!cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
+    /*SIZE*/!cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size).Value,
     //MODE without last bit
     //REGISTER prefixed by D/A bit

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrFormats.td b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrFormats.td
index 2343af09788ea..38d3127ac6a6d 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrFormats.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrFormats.td
@@ -69,179 +69,11 @@
 // Encoding primitives
-class MxBead<bits<4> type, bit b4 = 0, bit b5 = 0, bit b6 = 0, bit b7 = 0> {
-  bits<8> Value = 0b00000000;
-  let Value{3-0} = type;
-  let Value{4} = b4;
-  let Value{5} = b5;
-  let Value{6} = b6;
-  let Value{7} = b7;
-/// System beads, allow to control beading flow
-def   MxBeadTerm   : MxBead<0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0>;
-def   MxBeadIgnore : MxBead<0x0, 1, 0, 0, 0>;
-/// Add plain bit to the instruction
-class MxBead1Bit  <bits<1> b> : MxBead<0x1, b>;
-class MxBead2Bits <bits<2> b> : MxBead<0x2, b{0}, b{1}>;
-class MxBead3Bits <bits<3> b> : MxBead<0x3, b{0}, b{1}, b{2}>;
-class MxBead4Bits <bits<4> b> : MxBead<0x4, b{0}, b{1}, b{2}, b{3}>;
-/// bits<3> o - operand number
-/// bit a     - use alternative, used to select index register or
-///             outer displacement/immediate
-/// suffix NP means non-padded
-class MxBeadDAReg  <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0x5, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBeadDA     <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0x6, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBeadReg    <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0x7, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBeadDReg   <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0x8, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBead8Disp  <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0x9, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-/// Add Immediate to the instruction. 8-bit version is padded with zeros to fit
-/// the word.
-class MxBead8Imm   <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0xA, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBead16Imm  <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0xB, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxBead32Imm  <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0xC, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-/// Encodes an immediate 0-7(alt. 1-8) into 3 bit field
-class MxBead3Imm   <bits<3> o, bit a = 0> : MxBead<0xD, o{0}, o{1}, o{2}, a>;
-class MxEncoding<MxBead n0  = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n1  = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n2  = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n3  = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n4  = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n5  = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n6  = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n7  = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n8  = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n9  = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n10 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n11 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n12 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n13 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n14 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n15 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n16 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n17 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n18 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n19 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n20 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n21 = MxBeadTerm,
-                 MxBead n22 = MxBeadTerm, MxBead n23 = MxBeadTerm> {
-  bits <192> Value;
-  let Value{7-0}     = n0.Value;
-  let Value{15-8}    = n1.Value;
-  let Value{23-16}   = n2.Value;
-  let Value{31-24}   = n3.Value;
-  let Value{39-32}   = n4.Value;
-  let Value{47-40}   = n5.Value;
-  let Value{55-48}   = n6.Value;
-  let Value{63-56}   = n7.Value;
-  let Value{71-64}   = n8.Value;
-  let Value{79-72}   = n9.Value;
-  let Value{87-80}   = n10.Value;
-  let Value{95-88}   = n11.Value;
-  let Value{103-96}  = n12.Value;
-  let Value{111-104} = n13.Value;
-  let Value{119-112} = n14.Value;
-  let Value{127-120} = n15.Value;
-  let Value{135-128} = n16.Value;
-  let Value{143-136} = n17.Value;
-  let Value{151-144} = n18.Value;
-  let Value{159-152} = n19.Value;
-  let Value{167-160} = n20.Value;
-  let Value{175-168} = n21.Value;
-  let Value{183-176} = n22.Value;
-  let Value{191-184} = n23.Value;
-class MxEncFixed<bits<16> value> : MxEncoding {
-  let Value{7-0}   = MxBead4Bits<value{3-0}>.Value;
-  let Value{15-8}  = MxBead4Bits<value{7-4}>.Value;
-  let Value{23-16} = MxBead4Bits<value{11-8}>.Value;
-  let Value{31-24} = MxBead4Bits<value{15-12}>.Value;
-// Encoding composites
-// These must be lowered to MxEncoding by instr specific wrappers
-class MxEncByte<bits<8> value> : MxEncoding {
-  MxBead4Bits LO = MxBead4Bits<value{3-0}>;
-  MxBead4Bits HI = MxBead4Bits<value{7-4}>;
-def MxEncEmpty : MxEncoding;
-/// M68k Standard Effective Address layout:
-/// :-------------------:
-/// | 5  4  3 | 2  1  0 |
-/// |   mode  |   reg   |
-/// :-------------------:
-/// If the EA is a direct register mode, bits 4 and 5 are 0, and the register
-/// number will be encoded in bit 0 - 3. Since the first address register's
-/// (A0) register number is 8, we can easily tell data registers from
-/// address registers by only inspecting bit 3 (i.e. if bit 3 is set, it's an
-/// address register).
-/// But MOVE instruction uses reversed layout for destination EA:
-/// :-------------------:
-/// | 5  4  3 | 2  1  0 |
-/// |   reg   |  mode   |
-/// :-------------------:
-/// And this complicates things a bit because the DA bit is now separated from
-/// the register and we have to encode those separately using MxBeadDA<opN>
-class MxEncEA<MxBead reg, MxBead mode, MxBead da = MxBeadIgnore> {
-  MxBead Reg = reg;
-  MxBead Mode = mode;
-  MxBead DA = da;
 class MxEncMemOp {
   dag EA = (ascend);
   dag Supplement = (ascend);
-// FIXME: Is there a way to factorize the addressing mode suffix (i.e.
-// 'r', 'd', 'a' etc.) and use something like multiclass to replace?
-def MxEncEAr_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadDAReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>>;
-def MxEncEAd_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadDReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAa_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAj_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAo_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAe_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAp_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAf_0: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAa_0_reflected : MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead3Bits<0b001>>;
-def MxEncEAr_0_reflected : MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<0>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBeadDA<0>>;
-def MxEncEAr_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadDAReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>>;
-def MxEncEAd_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadDReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAa_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAj_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAo_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAe_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAp_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAf_1: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<1>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAr_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadDAReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>>;
-def MxEncEAd_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadDReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAa_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAj_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAo_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b01>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAe_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAp_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b10>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAf_2: MxEncEA<MxBeadReg<2>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxEncEAb : MxEncEA<MxBead3Bits<0b001>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAq : MxEncEA<MxBead3Bits<0b010>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAk : MxEncEA<MxBead3Bits<0b011>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
-def MxEncEAi : MxEncEA<MxBead3Bits<0b100>, MxBead2Bits<0b11>, MxBead1Bit<1>>;
 class MxEncBriefExt<string reg_opnd, string disp_opnd,
                     bit size_w_l = false, int scale = 1,
                     string disp_encoder = ""> {
@@ -366,111 +198,14 @@ class MxEncAddrMode_e<string reg_opnd> : MxEncMemOp {
                     /*REGISTER*/(operand "$"#reg_opnd, 3));
-// Allows you to specify each bit of opcode
-class MxEncOpMode<MxBead b0, MxBead b1 = MxBeadIgnore, MxBead b2 = MxBeadIgnore> {
-  MxBead B0 = b0;
-  MxBead B1 = b1;
-  MxBead B2 = b2;
-// op EA, Dn
-def MxOpMode8dEA  : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b000>>;
-def MxOpMode16dEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b001>>;
-def MxOpMode32dEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b010>>;
-// op EA, An
-def MxOpMode16aEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b011>>;
-def MxOpMode32aEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b111>>;
-// op EA, Rn
-// As you might noticed this guy is special... Since M68k 
diff erentiates
-// between Data and Address registers we required to use 
diff erent OPMODE codes
-// for Address registers DST operands. One way of dealing with it is to use
-// separate tablegen instructions, but in this case it would force Register
-// Allocator to use specific Register Classes and eventually will lead to
-// superfluous moves. Another approach is to use reg-variadic encoding which will
-// change OPMODE base on Register Class used. Luckily, all the bits that 
diff er go
-// from 0 to 1 and can be encoded with MxBeadDA.
-// Basically, if the register used is of Data type these encodings will be
-// the same as MxOpMode{16,32}dEA above and used with regular instructions(e.g. ADD,
-// SUB), but if the register is of Address type the appropriate bits will flip and
-// the instructions become of *A type(e.g ADDA, SUBA).
-def MxOpMode16rEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBead1Bit<1>, MxBeadDA<0>, MxBead1Bit<0>>;
-def MxOpMode32rEA : MxEncOpMode<MxBeadDA<0>, MxBead1Bit<1>, MxBeadDA<0>>;
-// op Dn, EA
-def MxOpMode8EAd : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b100>>;
-def MxOpMode16EAd : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b101>>;
-def MxOpMode32EAd : MxEncOpMode<MxBead3Bits<0b110>>;
-// Represents two types of extension word:
-//   - Imm extension word
-//   - Brief extension word
-class MxEncExt<MxBead imm   = MxBeadIgnore,   MxBead b8 = MxBeadIgnore,
-               MxBead scale = MxBeadIgnore, MxBead wl = MxBeadIgnore,
-               MxBead daReg = MxBeadIgnore> {
-  MxBead Imm = imm;
-  MxBead B8 = b8;
-  MxBead Scale = scale;
-  MxBead WL = wl;
-  MxBead DAReg = daReg;
+class MxEncSize<bits<2> value> {
+  bits<2> Value = value;
-def MxExtEmpty : MxEncExt;
-// These handle encoding of displacement fields, absolute addresses and
-// immediate values, since encoding for these categories is mainly the same,
-// with exception of some weird immediates.
-def  MxExtI8_0 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Imm<0>>;
-def MxExtI16_0 : MxEncExt<MxBead16Imm<0>>;
-def MxExtI32_0 : MxEncExt<MxBead32Imm<0>>;
-def  MxExtI8_1 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Imm<1>>;
-def MxExtI16_1 : MxEncExt<MxBead16Imm<1>>;
-def MxExtI32_1 : MxEncExt<MxBead32Imm<1>>;
-def  MxExtI8_2 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Imm<2>>;
-def MxExtI16_2 : MxEncExt<MxBead16Imm<2>>;
-def MxExtI32_2 : MxEncExt<MxBead32Imm<2>>;
-// NOTE They are all using Long Xn
-def MxExtBrief_0 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Disp<0>, MxBead1Bit<0b0>,
-                            MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>,
-                            MxBeadDAReg<0, 1>>;
-def MxExtBrief_1 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Disp<1>, MxBead1Bit<0b0>,
-                            MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>,
-                            MxBeadDAReg<1, 1>>;
-def MxExtBrief_2 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Disp<2>, MxBead1Bit<0b0>,
-                            MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>,
-                            MxBeadDAReg<2, 1>>;
-def MxExtBrief_3 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Disp<3>, MxBead1Bit<0b0>,
-                            MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>,
-                            MxBeadDAReg<3, 1>>;
-def MxExtBrief_4 : MxEncExt<MxBead8Disp<4>, MxBead1Bit<0b0>,
-                            MxBead2Bits<0b00>, MxBead1Bit<1>,
-                            MxBeadDAReg<4, 1>>;
-class MxEncSize<bits<2> value> : MxBead2Bits<value>;
 def MxEncSize8  : MxEncSize<0b00>;
 def MxEncSize16 : MxEncSize<0b01>;
 def MxEncSize32 : MxEncSize<0b10>;
 def MxEncSize64 : MxEncSize<0b11>;
-// TODO: Remove "New" in the name after the codebead-based
-// representation is deprecated.
-class MxNewEncSize<bits<2> value> {
-  bits<2> Value = value;
-def MxNewEncSize8  : MxNewEncSize<0b00>;
-def MxNewEncSize16 : MxNewEncSize<0b01>;
-def MxNewEncSize32 : MxNewEncSize<0b10>;
-def MxNewEncSize64 : MxNewEncSize<0b11>;
 // M68k INSTRUCTION. Most instructions specify the location of an operand by
 // using the effective address field in the operation word. The effective address
 // is composed of two 3-bit fields: the mode field and the register field. The
@@ -484,7 +219,6 @@ def MxNewEncSize64 : MxNewEncSize<0b11>;
 class MxInst<dag outs, dag ins,
              string asmStr = "",
              list<dag> pattern = [],
-             MxEncoding beads = MxEncEmpty,
              InstrItinClass itin = NoItinerary>
     : Instruction {
   let Namespace      = "M68k";
@@ -494,8 +228,6 @@ class MxInst<dag outs, dag ins,
   let Pattern        = pattern;
   let Itinerary      = itin;
-  // Byte stream
-  field bits<192> Beads = beads.Value;
   dag Inst = (ascend);
   // Number of bytes

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrShiftRotate.td b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrShiftRotate.td
index b50354597a49d..7de9946260144 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrShiftRotate.td
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/M68k/M68kInstrShiftRotate.td
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ defvar MxROOP_RO  = 0b11;
 ///  1  1  1  0 | REG/IMM | D | SIZE |R/I|  OP  |   REG
 /// ------------+---------+---+------+---+------+---------
 class MxSREncoding<bit kind, string src_opnd, string dst_opnd,
-                   bit direction, bits<2> ro_op, MxNewEncSize size> {
+                   bit direction, bits<2> ro_op, MxEncSize size> {
   dag Value = (descend 0b1110,
     // REG/IMM
     (operand "$"#src_opnd, 3),
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class MxSR_DD<string MN, MxType TYPE, SDNode NODE, bit RODI, bits<2> ROOP>
              MN#"."#TYPE.Prefix#"\t$opd, $dst",
              [(set TYPE.VT:$dst, (NODE TYPE.VT:$src, TYPE.VT:$opd))]> {
   let Inst = MxSREncoding<MxROKind_R, "opd", "dst", RODI, ROOP,
-                          !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size)>.Value;
+                          !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size)>.Value;
 // $reg <- $reg op $imm
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class MxSR_DI<string MN, MxType TYPE, SDNode NODE, bit RODI, bits<2> ROOP>
                    (NODE TYPE.VT:$src,
                          !cast<ImmLeaf>("Mximm"#TYPE.Size#"_1to8"):$opd))]> {
   let Inst = MxSREncoding<MxROKind_I, "opd", "dst", RODI, ROOP,
-                          !cast<MxNewEncSize>("MxNewEncSize"#TYPE.Size)>.Value;
+                          !cast<MxEncSize>("MxEncSize"#TYPE.Size)>.Value;
 multiclass MxSROp<string MN, SDNode NODE, bit RODI, bits<2> ROOP> {


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