[PATCH] D148018: [Assignment Tracking] Trunc fragments for stores to vars smaller than the alloca

Jeremy Morse via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Apr 11 09:59:37 PDT 2023

jmorse accepted this revision.
jmorse added a comment.


Comment at: llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfo.cpp:1854-1856
+    // NOTE: trackAssignments doesn't understand base expressions yet, so all
+    // variables that reach here are guaranteed to start at offset 0 in the
+    // alloca.
Orlando wrote:
> jmorse wrote:
> > Can we assert this, for when it likely changes in the future and we forget this code?
> That info would come from the `VarRecord` which doesn't yet support any kind of offset. We could add a "dummy" field to that struct and then assert that it is zero here, but I'm not sure that's much better than the `VarStartBit = 0;` below. wdyt?
Ehhh, yeah, that's still going to require us to "just remember" what to change. It doesn't sound like adding an assertion will help.

Comment at: llvm/lib/IR/DebugInfo.cpp:1860
+    FragStartBit = std::max(FragStartBit, VarStartBit);
+    FragEndBit = std::min(FragEndBit, VarEndBit);
Orlando wrote:
> jmorse wrote:
> > Seeing how both inputs are unsigned and one argument is zero, isn't this guaranteed to always be `FragStartBit`? (Could produce a warning somewhere)
> Yeah that's right, I was setting up for a future where it's not always zero. But good point about potential warning. I've replaced the line with a FIXME.
cool cool cool



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