[PATCH] D140790: [MachineBasicBlock] Explicit FT branching param

Daniel Hoekwater via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 10 20:39:14 PDT 2023

dhoekwater added a comment.

  /// Return the fallthrough block if the block can implicitly
  /// transfer control to the block after it by falling off the end of
  /// it. If an explicit branch to the fallthrough block is not allowed,
  /// set JumpToFallThrough to be false. Non-null return is a conservative
  /// answer.
  MachineBasicBlock *getFallThrough(bool JumpToFallThrough = false);

The documentation for this function seems at odds with the behavior.

The documentation suggests that, if `JumpToFallThrough` is false, then `getFallThrough` will return a `nullptr` if the basic block ends with an explicit branch to the fallthrough block.

However, the opposite is true. For a block that ends in an unconditional jump to the fallthrough block, if `JumpToFallThrough == true`, then the function will return `nullptr`. If `JumpToFallThrough == false`, then it will return the address of the fallthrough block.

Is this the intended behavior?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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