[PATCH] D147143: Add backend support for new PAL ELF Metadata 3.0

David Stuttard via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Apr 6 04:21:15 PDT 2023

dstuttard added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUAsmPrinter.cpp:582-602
+    OutStreamer->emitRawComment(" COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC2:SCRATCH_EN: " +
+                                    Twine(CurrentProgramInfo.ScratchEnable),
+                                false);
+    OutStreamer->emitRawComment(" COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC2:USER_SGPR: " +
+                                    Twine(CurrentProgramInfo.UserSGPR),
+                                false);
+    OutStreamer->emitRawComment(" COMPUTE_PGM_RSRC2:TRAP_HANDLER: " +
arsenm wrote:
> This is a bunch of pure formatting changes that can be pre-committed?
It's not just a formatting change - but point taken. I'll upload something that makes this more obvious (formatting reverts to previous style).

Comment at: llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/AMDGPUAsmPrinter.cpp:1063-1069
+      // The front-end will set tgid_x/y/z_en - just check for consistency
+      assert(MD->checkComputeRegisters(".tgid_x_en",
+                                       (bool)CurrentProgramInfo.TGIdXEnable));
+      assert(MD->checkComputeRegisters(".tgid_y_en",
+                                       (bool)CurrentProgramInfo.TGIdYEnable));
+      assert(MD->checkComputeRegisters(".tgid_z_en",
+                                       (bool)CurrentProgramInfo.TGIdZEnable));
arsenm wrote:
> Don't understand the assert or the comment. We infer these off, but are you suggesting something else is ignoring that?
For PAL graphics front-ends, the values in the metadata should reflect the information in CurrentProgramInfo - the front end is expected to pass amdgpu-no-workgroup-id-x etc in this situation. Just asserting that this is the case here.
I'll update the comment to make it clearer.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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