[PATCH] D147286: [FS-AFDO] Assign discriminators to pseudo probes

Wenlei He via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Apr 3 23:24:25 PDT 2023

wenlei added a comment.

> Also call instructions are excluded since their dwarf discriminators are used for other purposes, i.e, storing probe ids.

How/where do we handle the FS discriminator for call probes? Or will that be handled in a separate patch?

Comment at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/MIRFSDiscriminator.cpp:134-140
+      if (HasPseudoProbe) {
+        // Only assign discriminators to pseudo probe instructions. Call
+        // instructions are excluded since their dwarf discriminators are used
+        // for other purposes, i.e, storing probe ids.
+        if (!I.isPseudoProbe())
+          continue;
+      } else if (ImprovedFSDiscriminator && I.isMetaInstruction()) {
hoy wrote:
> wenlei wrote:
> > nit: 
> > ```
> > if ((ImprovedFSDiscriminator && I.isMetaInstruction()) || 
> >     (HasPseudoProbe && !I.isPseudoProbe()) {
> >   continue;
> > }
> > ```
> Actually we need to go with the probe check first because probe is also a meta instruction.
Ok, but when HasPseudoProbe is false, are we still going to have probe instructions? I thought we won't.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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