[PATCH] D147179: [RISCV] Bump I, F, D, and A extension versions to 20191214 spec version
Alex Bradbury via Phabricator via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 30 06:27:31 PDT 2023
asb added a comment.
I've added a couple of inline comments, but otherwise this seems fine to me. I'd suggest updating the patch description to reference Philip's documentation patch (which was posted soon after this), and also to explain why there are no codegen changes (I think "Either changes to the specification required no codegen changes, or LLVM was written against a newer version of the specification than it claimed" is vague but accurate).
Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:625
case 'g':
// g = imafd
if (Arch.size() > 5 && isdigit(Arch[5]))
Perhaps update to `// g expands to extensions in RISCVGImplications.` or delete altogether.
Comment at: llvm/unittests/Support/RISCVISAInfoTest.cpp:253
TEST(ParseArchString, AcceptsVersionInLongOrShortForm) {
- for (StringRef Input : {"rv64i2", "rv64i2p0"}) {
- auto MaybeISAInfo = RISCVISAInfo::parseArchString(Input, true);
Why is this test dropped? It's not redundant as there's a slightly separate path for parsing the version on the base ISA vs other extensions (this could perhaps be refactored).
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