[PATCH] D143162: [AArch64] Add PredictableSelectIsExpensive feature for the Neoverse V1

Sjoerd Meijer via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 23 02:23:58 PDT 2023

SjoerdMeijer added a comment.

I did some performance runs, nothing stands out, so LGTM.

I agree with this and will let @dmgreen handle that:

> I think it is worth adding FeaturePredictableSelectIsExpensive to all the cpus that have FeatureEnableSelectOptimize to keep them consistent. But maybe not Generic if it is not applicable to all cpus. We could think about combining FeaturePredictableSelectIsExpensive and FeatureEnableSelectOptimize into a single feature at some point, but it is probably useful to have them separate for the time being, ..

I have no opinion whether we do that now or later.



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