[PATCH] D146557: [MLIR][OpenMP] Refactoring how map clause is processed

Akash Banerjee via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 22 11:43:40 PDT 2023

TIFitis marked 3 inline comments as done.
TIFitis added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp:4181-4191
+    for (auto &UseDeviceOp : UseDeviceInfos) {
+      auto *UseDeviceVal = UseDeviceOp.first;
+      auto &UseDeviceInfo = UseDeviceOp.second;
+      SmallDenseSet<Use *> ReplaceUses;
+      for (auto &Use : UseDeviceVal->uses()) {
+        if (UseDeviceInfo.Uses.find(&Use) == UseDeviceInfo.Uses.end())
+          ReplaceUses.insert(&Use);
jdoerfert wrote:
> TIFitis wrote:
> > I couldn't come up with a better way for the code generated inside the `target data region` to use the new `AllocaPtrs` when accessing `map operands` marked with the `use_device_ptr` clause.
> > 
> > Currently I am just comparing the `Users` list before and after generating the `data region` and replacing the new `uses`.
> > 
> > Alternative method would be to use `mlir::LLVM::moduleTranslation.mapValue` method to temporarily remap the `mlir::Value` for the `use_device_ptr` operands to the `AllocaPtrs` `llvm::Value`. But `mapValue` doesn't allow remapping of values. @kiranchandramohan Is there a good reason to prevent remapping of values?
> > 
> > Let me know if anyone has a better way of doing this :)
> This is only a last resort. We should not generate stuff that is wrong and is replaced. However, if we cannot find a better way we can talk about it.
> Generally, I would have assumed that the value in the region in marked to be a use_dev_ptr/addr and that we would generate code for that as soon as we generate code for the value.
I have tried to explain this a little better in https://reviews.llvm.org/D146648

The region code is generated immediately, its that it still uses the old pointer for it instead of the newly allocated device ptr and this fixes that.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.cpp:4261
+  bool Temp;
+  return Val->getPointerDereferenceableBytes(M.getDataLayout(), Temp, Temp);
`getPointerDereferenceableBytes` doesn't fully support `Arguments` and mostly returns 0.

I am looking at adding support for arguments in a separate patch, in the meantime the tests added in this patch fail because of incorrect @.offload_sizes.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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