[PATCH] D146336: [docs][scudo] Add information about M_PURGE_ALL.

Christopher Ferris via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 21 18:27:48 PDT 2023

cferris updated this revision to Diff 507191.
cferris added a comment.

Added more description about M_PURGE and M_PURGE_ALL.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: llvm/docs/ScudoHardenedAllocator.rst
--- llvm/docs/ScudoHardenedAllocator.rst
+++ llvm/docs/ScudoHardenedAllocator.rst
@@ -265,7 +265,16 @@
 |                           | the interval to the minimum and maximum value as      |
 |                           | specified at compile time).                           |
-| M_PURGE                   | Forces immediate memory reclaiming (value is unused). |
+| M_PURGE                   | Forces immediate memory reclaiming but does not       |
+|                           | reclaim everything. For smaller size classes, there   |
+|                           | is still some memory that is not reclaimed due to the |
+|                           | extra time it takes and the small amount of memory    |
+|                           | that can be reclaimed.                                |
+|                           | The value is ignored.                                 |
+| M_PURGE_ALL               | Same as M_PURGE but will force release all possible   |
+|                           | memory regardless of how long it takes.               |
+|                           | The value is ignored.                                 |
 | M_MEMTAG_TUNING           | Tunes the allocator's choice of memory tags to make   |
 |                           | it more likely that a certain class of memory errors  |

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