[llvm] a66bc1c - [DAGCombiner] Avoid converting (x or/xor const) + y to (x + y) + const if benefit is unclear

Juneyoung Lee via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Mar 8 10:18:16 PST 2023

Author: Juneyoung Lee
Date: 2023-03-08T18:13:57Z
New Revision: a66bc1c4a30ca958fee094bd7dcb6bc4b9cdd49f

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a66bc1c4a30ca958fee094bd7dcb6bc4b9cdd49f
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a66bc1c4a30ca958fee094bd7dcb6bc4b9cdd49f.diff

LOG: [DAGCombiner] Avoid converting (x or/xor const) + y to (x + y) + const if benefit is unclear

This patch resolves suboptimal code generation reported by https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/60571 .

DAGCombiner currently converts `(x or/xor const) + y` to `(x + y) + const` if this is valid.
However, if `.. + const` is broken down into a sequences of adds with carries, the benefit is not clear, introducing two more add(-with-carry) ops (total 6) in the case of the reported issue whereas the optimal sequence must only have 4 add(-with-carry)s.

This patch resolves this issue by allowing this conversion only when (1) `.. + const` is legal or promotable, or (2) `const` is a sign bit because it does not introduce more adds.

Reviewed By: RKSimon

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D144116




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/DAGCombiner.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/DAGCombiner.cpp
index d28597308d76..b19e881e4c85 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/DAGCombiner.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/DAGCombiner.cpp
@@ -2687,12 +2687,22 @@ SDValue DAGCombiner::visitADDLike(SDNode *N) {
     // equivalent to (add x, c).
     // Reassociate (add (xor x, c), y) -> (add add(x, y), c)) if (xor x, c) is
     // equivalent to (add x, c).
+    // Do this optimization only when adding c does not introduce instructions
+    // for adding carries.
     auto ReassociateAddOr = [&](SDValue N0, SDValue N1) {
       if (isADDLike(N0, DAG) && N0.hasOneUse() &&
           isConstantOrConstantVector(N0.getOperand(1), /* NoOpaque */ true)) {
-        return DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT,
-                           DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT, N1, N0.getOperand(0)),
-                           N0.getOperand(1));
+        // If N0's type does not split or is a sign mask, it does not introduce
+        // add carry.
+        auto TyActn = TLI.getTypeAction(*DAG.getContext(), N0.getValueType());
+        bool NoAddCarry = TyActn == TargetLoweringBase::TypeLegal ||
+                          TyActn == TargetLoweringBase::TypePromoteInteger ||
+                          isMinSignedConstant(N0.getOperand(1));
+        if (NoAddCarry)
+          return DAG.getNode(
+              ISD::ADD, DL, VT,
+              DAG.getNode(ISD::ADD, DL, VT, N1, N0.getOperand(0)),
+              N0.getOperand(1));
       return SDValue();

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/add-i256.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/add-i256.ll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e299d1672fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/add-i256.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc -mcpu=neoverse-n1 < %s | FileCheck %s
+target triple = "aarch64-linux-unknown"
+define void @add_i256(i64 %x0, i64 %x1, i64 %x2, i64 %x3, i64 %y1, i64 %y2, i64 %y3, i8* %store_addr_ptr) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: add_i256:
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0: // %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    adds x8, x0, #1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    adcs x9, x1, x4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    stp x8, x9, [x7]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    adcs x8, x2, x5
+; CHECK-NEXT:    adc x9, x3, x6
+; CHECK-NEXT:    stp x8, x9, [x7, #16]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+  ; Build x_256 = x0 | x1 << 64 | x2 << 128 | x3 << 192
+  %temp = zext i64 %x0 to i256
+  %temp57 = zext i64 %x1 to i256
+  %temp58 = zext i64 %x2 to i256
+  %temp59 = zext i64 %x3 to i256
+  %temp_shifted = shl i256 %temp, 0
+  %temp_shifted60 = shl i256 %temp57, 64
+  %temp_shifted61 = shl i256 %temp58, 128
+  %temp_shifted62 = shl i256 %temp59, 192
+  %x = or i256 %temp_shifted, %temp_shifted60
+  %x63 = or i256 %x, %temp_shifted61
+  %x_big = or i256 %x63, %temp_shifted62
+  ; Build y_256 = 1 | y1 << 64 | y2 << 128 | y3 << 192
+  %temp65 = zext i64 %y1 to i256
+  %temp66 = zext i64 %y2 to i256
+  %temp67 = zext i64 %y3 to i256
+  %temp_shifted68 = shl i256 %temp65, 64
+  %temp_shifted69 = shl i256 %temp66, 128
+  %temp_shifted70 = shl i256 %temp67, 192
+  %y = or i256 1, %temp_shifted68
+  %y71 = or i256 %y, %temp_shifted69
+  %y_big = or i256 %y71, %temp_shifted70
+  ; z_256 = x_256 + y_256
+  %z_256 = add i256 %x_big, %y_big
+  ; split z_256 into 4 64-bit registers
+  %split_64bits = lshr i256 %z_256, 0
+  %z0 = trunc i256 %split_64bits to i64
+  %split_64bits74 = lshr i256 %z_256, 64
+  %z1 = trunc i256 %split_64bits74 to i64
+  %split_64bits76 = lshr i256 %z_256, 128
+  %z2 = trunc i256 %split_64bits76 to i64
+  %split_64bits78 = lshr i256 %z_256, 192
+  %z3 = trunc i256 %split_64bits78 to i64
+  %outptr0 = bitcast i8* %store_addr_ptr to i64*
+  store i64 %z0, i64* %outptr0, align 4
+  %gep = getelementptr i8, i8* %store_addr_ptr, i64 8
+  %outptr1 = bitcast i8* %gep to i64*
+  store i64 %z1, i64* %outptr1, align 4
+  %store_addr_ofs = getelementptr i8, i8* %store_addr_ptr, i64 16
+  %outptr081 = bitcast i8* %store_addr_ofs to i64*
+  store i64 %z2, i64* %outptr081, align 4
+  %gep82 = getelementptr i8, i8* %store_addr_ofs, i64 8
+  %outptr183 = bitcast i8* %gep82 to i64*
+  store i64 %z3, i64* %outptr183, align 4
+  ret void


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