[llvm] 6e8bcaa - [RISCV][NFC] Unify CHECK lines for jumptable.ll @below_threshold test

Jessica Clarke via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Mar 3 12:21:19 PST 2023

Author: Jessica Clarke
Date: 2023-03-03T20:18:18Z
New Revision: 6e8bcaafbaa4b55099f632d46ce497cc3f0e546d

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6e8bcaafbaa4b55099f632d46ce497cc3f0e546d
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/6e8bcaafbaa4b55099f632d46ce497cc3f0e546d.diff

LOG: [RISCV][NFC] Unify CHECK lines for jumptable.ll @below_threshold test

These are all identical across XLEN and code model since they're not
using a jump table, so unify them rather than having multiple copies.




diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/jumptable.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/jumptable.ll
index 5bb489ff93df..9984d45e8abc 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/jumptable.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/jumptable.ll
@@ -1,141 +1,45 @@
 ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -code-model=small -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
-; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32I-SMALL
+; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV32I-SMALL
 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -code-model=medium -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
-; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32I-MEDIUM
+; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV32I-MEDIUM
 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -code-model=small -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
-; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV64I-SMALL
+; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV64I-SMALL
 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -code-model=medium -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
-; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV64I-MEDIUM
+; RUN:   | FileCheck %s -check-prefixes=CHECK,RV64I-MEDIUM
 define void @below_threshold(i32 signext %in, ptr %out) nounwind {
-; RV32I-SMALL-LABEL: below_threshold:
-; RV32I-SMALL:       # %bb.0: # %entry
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    blt a2, a0, .LBB0_4
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %entry
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 1
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_7
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.2: # %entry
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.3: # %bb2
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 3
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_4: # %entry
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 3
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_8
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.5: # %entry
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 4
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.6: # %bb4
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 1
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_7: # %bb1
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 4
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_8: # %bb3
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 2
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_9: # %exit
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    sw a0, 0(a1)
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_10: # %exit
-; RV32I-SMALL-NEXT:    ret
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-LABEL: below_threshold:
-; RV32I-MEDIUM:       # %bb.0: # %entry
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    blt a2, a0, .LBB0_4
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %entry
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 1
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_7
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.2: # %entry
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.3: # %bb2
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 3
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_4: # %entry
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 3
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_8
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.5: # %entry
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 4
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.6: # %bb4
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 1
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_7: # %bb1
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 4
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_8: # %bb3
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 2
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_9: # %exit
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    sw a0, 0(a1)
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_10: # %exit
-; RV32I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    ret
-; RV64I-SMALL-LABEL: below_threshold:
-; RV64I-SMALL:       # %bb.0: # %entry
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    blt a2, a0, .LBB0_4
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %entry
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 1
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_7
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.2: # %entry
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.3: # %bb2
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 3
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_4: # %entry
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 3
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_8
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.5: # %entry
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a2, 4
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  # %bb.6: # %bb4
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 1
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_7: # %bb1
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 4
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_8: # %bb3
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    li a0, 2
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_9: # %exit
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    sw a0, 0(a1)
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:  .LBB0_10: # %exit
-; RV64I-SMALL-NEXT:    ret
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-LABEL: below_threshold:
-; RV64I-MEDIUM:       # %bb.0: # %entry
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    blt a2, a0, .LBB0_4
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %entry
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 1
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_7
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.2: # %entry
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 2
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.3: # %bb2
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 3
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_4: # %entry
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 3
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_8
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.5: # %entry
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a2, 4
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  # %bb.6: # %bb4
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 1
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_7: # %bb1
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 4
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_8: # %bb3
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    li a0, 2
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_9: # %exit
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    sw a0, 0(a1)
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:  .LBB0_10: # %exit
-; RV64I-MEDIUM-NEXT:    ret
+; CHECK-LABEL: below_threshold:
+; CHECK:       # %bb.0: # %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a2, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    blt a2, a0, .LBB0_4
+; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a2, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_7
+; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.2: # %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a2, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
+; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.3: # %bb2
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a0, 3
+; CHECK-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB0_4: # %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a2, 3
+; CHECK-NEXT:    beq a0, a2, .LBB0_8
+; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.5: # %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a2, 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    bne a0, a2, .LBB0_10
+; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.6: # %bb4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a0, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB0_7: # %bb1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a0, 4
+; CHECK-NEXT:    j .LBB0_9
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB0_8: # %bb3
+; CHECK-NEXT:    li a0, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB0_9: # %exit
+; CHECK-NEXT:    sw a0, 0(a1)
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB0_10: # %exit
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
   switch i32 %in, label %exit [
     i32 1, label %bb1


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